Ralph Waldo Emerson Biography

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Philosopher
BornMay 25, 1803
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
DiedApril 27, 1882
Concord, Massachusetts, U.S.
Aged78 years
Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American essayist, speaker, as well as poet that stayed in the 19th century. He was among one of the most influential figures in American literary and also cultural history, as well as his ideas as well as writings continue to be widely checked out and examined today.

Emerson was born in 1803 in Boston, Massachusetts and also finished from Harvard University. He went on to end up being a preacher, however left the ministry to pursue a profession as a writer as well as audio speaker. He was a main number in the Transcendentalist movement, which was a thoughtful as well as literary motion that established in New England in the very early 19th century.

Emerson's essays and speeches usually focused on the relevance of the private as well as the individual's partnership to The Divine. He counted on the integral benefits of individuals and also nature, and he urged individuals to trust their own instincts and also beliefs, instead of blindly adhering to the point of views of others. This suggestion of self-sufficiency is just one of his most renowned and also enduring principles.

Along with his writing, Emerson was also a popular speaker, and he provided talks throughout the United States and Europe on a vast array of topics, consisting of religious beliefs, politics, and also the duty of the person in society. He was a very early opponent of enslavement as well as a strong advocate for females's legal rights, and he utilized his system to promote these causes.

Emerson's works, including "Nature," "Self-direction," as well as "The American Scholar," continue to be commonly read and researched, and also his ideas concerning distinctiveness, self-sufficiency, as well as the power of nature continue to motivate individuals today. He is considered among the best authors in American literary history, and his heritage remains to form our understanding of the world and also our location in it.

Our collection contains 205 quotes who is written / told by Ralph, under the main topics: Age - Love - Art - Motivational - Nature.

Related authors: Henry David Thoreau (Author), Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. (Poet), Giulio Andreotti (Politician), Walter Savage Landor (Poet), Harold Bloom (Critic), Walt Whitman (Poet), Nathaniel Hawthorne (Novelist), Lawrence Taylor (Athlete), Raymond Holliwell (Author), Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Poet)

Ralph Waldo Emerson Famous Works:
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205 Famous quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Small: Each age, it is found, must write its own books or rather, each generation for the next succeeding
"Each age, it is found, must write its own books; or rather, each generation for the next succeeding"
Small: Fine manners need the support of fine manners in others
"Fine manners need the support of fine manners in others"
Small: The value of a principle is the number of things it will explain
"The value of a principle is the number of things it will explain"
Small: As soon as there is life there is danger
"As soon as there is life there is danger"
Small: We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of whi
"We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities"
Small: Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss
"Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss"
Small: Some books leave us free and some books make us free
"Some books leave us free and some books make us free"
Small: The ancestor of every action is a thought
"The ancestor of every action is a thought"
Small: Money often costs too much
"Money often costs too much"
Small: Every wall is a door
"Every wall is a door"
Small: There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep
"There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep"
Small: As long as a man stands in his own way, everything seems to be in his way
"As long as a man stands in his own way, everything seems to be in his way"
Small: Beauty without expression is boring
"Beauty without expression is boring"
Small: All diseases run into one, old age
"All diseases run into one, old age"
Small: For every benefit you receive a tax is levied
"For every benefit you receive a tax is levied"
Small: Words are also actions, and actions are a kind of words
"Words are also actions, and actions are a kind of words"
Small: The years teach much which the days never know
"The years teach much which the days never know"
Small: I have thought a sufficient measure of civilization is the influence of good women
"I have thought a sufficient measure of civilization is the influence of good women"
Small: Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"
Small: Why need I volumes, if one word suffice?
"Why need I volumes, if one word suffice?"
Small: Science does not know its debt to imagination
"Science does not know its debt to imagination"
Small: Truth is beautiful, without doubt but so are lies
"Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies"
Small: America is another name for opportunity
"America is another name for opportunity"
Small: The real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war
"The real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war"
Small: One must be an inventor to read well. There is then creative reading as well as creative writing
"One must be an inventor to read well. There is then creative reading as well as creative writing"
Small: Nature is a mutable cloud which is always and never the same
"Nature is a mutable cloud which is always and never the same"
Small: We acquire the strength we have overcome
"We acquire the strength we have overcome"
Small: Fiction reveals truth that reality obscures
"Fiction reveals truth that reality obscures"
Small: Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science
"Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science"
Small: Men are what their mothers made them
"Men are what their mothers made them"
Small: To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accompli
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Small: The sky is the daily bread of the eyes
"The sky is the daily bread of the eyes"
Small: Our faith comes in moments our vice is habitual
"Our faith comes in moments; our vice is habitual"
Small: Doing well is the result of doing good. Thats what capitalism is all about
"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about"
Small: Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding
"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding"
Small: A great man is always willing to be little
"A great man is always willing to be little"
Small: The man of genius inspires us with a boundless confidence in our own powers
"The man of genius inspires us with a boundless confidence in our own powers"
Small: Every fact is related on one side to sensation, and, on the other, to morals. The game of thought is, o
"Every fact is related on one side to sensation, and, on the other, to morals. The game of thought is, on the appearance of one of these two sides, to find the other: given the upper, to find the under side"
Small: If the stars should appear but one night every thousand years how man would marvel and stare
"If the stars should appear but one night every thousand years how man would marvel and stare"
Small: Knowledge is knowing that we cannot know
"Knowledge is knowing that we cannot know"
Small: Every man is a consumer, and ought to be a producer. He is by constitution expensive, and needs to be r
"Every man is a consumer, and ought to be a producer. He is by constitution expensive, and needs to be rich"
Small: Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons
"Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons"
Small: No change of circumstances can repair a defect of character
"No change of circumstances can repair a defect of character"
Small: Trust your instinct to the end, though you can render no reason
"Trust your instinct to the end, though you can render no reason"
Small: The highest revelation is that God is in every man
"The highest revelation is that God is in every man"
Small: Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art
"Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art"
Small: If a man can... make a better mousetrap, the world will make a beaten path to his door
"If a man can... make a better mousetrap, the world will make a beaten path to his door"
Small: Nobody can bring you peace but yourself
"Nobody can bring you peace but yourself"
Small: Manners require time, and nothing is more vulgar than haste
"Manners require time, and nothing is more vulgar than haste"
Small: There is a blessed necessity by which the interest of men is always driving them to the right and, agai
"There is a blessed necessity by which the interest of men is always driving them to the right; and, again, making all crime mean and ugly"
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