Famous quote by Wendell Willkie

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I have noticed, with much distress, the excessive wartime activity of the investigating bureaus of Congress and the admi

"I have noticed, with much distress, the excessive wartime activity of the investigating bureaus of Congress and the administration, with their impertinent and indecent searching out of the private lives and the past political beliefs of individuals"

- Wendell Willkie

About this Quote

Wendell Willkie was revealing his distress at the overzealousness of the wartime investigatory bureaus of Congress and also the administration. He was specifically concerned regarding their intrusive and also unacceptable investigations into the individual lives and also political ideas of people. He felt that this was an offense of the rights of residents and also an abuse of the power of the federal government. He was also worried that this could cause a dangerous erosion of constitutional freedoms and a culture of worry and also suspicion. Willkie was calling for better regard for the rights of people as well as a much more accountable use the government's power. He wished to make sure that the federal government was not exceeding its bounds and also infringing on the civil liberties of its citizens.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by Wendell Willkie between February 18, 1892 and October 8, 1944. He/she was a famous Lawyer from USA. The author also have 27 other quotes.

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