Famous quote by Octavia Butler

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No... a novel is a long business. Im a slow writer, even when Im doing very well I write slowly

"No... a novel is a long business. I'm a slow writer, even when I'm doing very well I write slowly"

- Octavia Butler

About this Quote

Octavia Butler's quote speaks with the trouble and time-consuming nature of writing a novel. She acknowledges that she is a slow writer, even when she is succeeding, which indicates that writing a novel is a tiresome process. This quote is a reminder that writing a book is not something that can be done rapidly or quickly. It needs dedication, effort, and a great deal of time. It is a long organization, and it is necessary to be client and persistent when composing a book. Octavia Butler's quote is a suggestion that writing a book is a journey, and it is essential to put in the time to delight in the process.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by Octavia Butler between June 22, 1947 and February 24, 2006. He/she was a famous Writer from USA. The author also have 31 other quotes.

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