Famous quote by Catherine Helen Spence

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Nothing is insignificant in the history of a young community, and - above all - nothing seems impossible

"Nothing is insignificant in the history of a young community, and - above all - nothing seems impossible"

- Catherine Helen Spence

About this Quote

This quote by Catherine Helen Spence speaks to the value of the history of a young community. It emphasizes that no event or information is too small to be overlooked, as it can have an enduring impact on the community. Spence likewise suggests that anything is possible for a young neighborhood, as it is still in the process of growth and advancement. This quote encourages young communities to strive for greatness and to never give up on their dreams. It is a pointer that the history of a young neighborhood is necessary which anything is possible if the neighborhood collaborates. Spence's words provide inspiration for young communities, as they advise them that they can achieve anything if they put in the effort.

About the Author

Catherine Helen Spence This quote is written / told by Catherine Helen Spence between October 31, 1825 and April 3, 1910. She was a famous Author from Australia. The author also have 19 other quotes.

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