"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now"
- Alan Lakein
About this Quote
Alan Lakein's quote, "Planning is bringing the future into today so that you can do something about it now," encapsulates the essence of effective planning. At its core, this statement highlights the proactive nature of preparation and the significance of insight in achieving goals.
To interpret this quote, we must first dissect its elements. The "future" represents the goals, aspirations, or results that a person desires to accomplish. These could relate to various aspects of life, such as profession turning points, individual growth, or monetary stability. The "present," on the other hand, is the existing moment, the only time period where action can be taken.
The expression "bringing the future into the present" implies a tactical approach to setting goal. It recommends that the act of planning includes picturing future states and identifying the actions needed to reach them. By doing so, preparing transforms abstract future objectives into concrete present-day actions. This positioning in between what we want to achieve and what we can do now is important for progress.
Lakein stresses the immediacy of action-- "so that you can do something about it now." This part of the quote underscores the value of taking actionable steps today that contribute toward future goals. It is a reminder that without immediate action, even the best-laid plans can end up being mere wishful thinking.
Moreover, this quote speaks with the empowerment that planning provides. By breaking down long-lasting objectives into manageable jobs, people can reduce feelings of being overwhelmed and instead, cultivate a sense of control and purpose.
In essence, Lakein's words remind us that the future is not an abstract, remote truth, but rather a continuum that starts now, with our existing actions. Preparation is not almost anticipating the future; it has to do with creating it through purposeful and informed present-day actions. This frame of mind encourages an active engagement with time and top priorities, ultimately making it possible for people to navigate their lives with intent and clearness.
This quote is written / told by Alan Lakein somewhere between November 5, 1932 and today. He was a famous Businessman from USA.
The author also have 3 other quotes.
"The tiger is a magnificent creature and one that is threatened by human activities on all fronts. It is up to us to protect this iconic species and ensure that it has a future in the wild"
"All endeavor calls for the ability to tramp the last mile, shape the last plan, endure the last hours toil. The fight to the finish spirit is the one... characteristic we must posses if we are to face the future as finishers"
"Life is divided into three terms - that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present to live better in the future"