Famous quote by Levon Helm

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The Band never really played big concert tours. We never sold millions and millions of albums

"The Band never really played big concert tours. We never sold millions and millions of albums"

- Levon Helm

About this Quote

Levon Helm's quote talks to the truth that his band, The Band, never ever accomplished the very same degree of success as a few of their contemporaries. Despite their critical praise, they never attained the same level of industrial success as other bands of the age. This can be attributed to a range of aspects, such as their absence of a significant label deal, their rejection to conform to the popular music fads of the moment, or their decision to focus on smaller, extra intimate programs instead of large-scale scenic tours. Regardless of this, The Band's music has endured and also their influence can still be felt today. Levon Helm's quote acts as a suggestion that success is not always gauged in terms of cd sales or show tours, yet instead in the effect that a band's songs carries its listeners.

About the Author

Levon Helm This quote is written / told by Levon Helm between May 26, 1940 and April 19, 2012. He was a famous Musician from USA. The author also have 33 other quotes.

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