Famous quote by Georges Jacques Danton

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The tocsin you hear today is not an alarm but an alert: it sounds the charge against our enemies

"The tocsin you hear today is not an alarm but an alert: it sounds the charge against our enemies"

- Georges Jacques Danton

About this Quote

This quote by Georges Jacques Danton is a call to arms. He is advising people to take action against their enemies. The tocsin, or alarm bell, is a symbol of the need to act. It is not a warning of threat, but a call to arms. Danton is informing people that they must do something about it against their opponents and not just relax and await something to take place. He is encouraging people to fight for what they believe in and to stand up for their rights. He is likewise warning individuals that if they do not take action, their enemies will continue to get power and strength. This quote is a tip that we should take action in order to protect ourselves and our rights. It is a call to arms and a pointer that we must be alert and take action versus those who would do us damage.

About the Author

Georges Jacques Danton This quote is written / told by Georges Jacques Danton between October 26, 1759 and April 5, 1794. He was a famous Revolutionary from France. The author also have 6 other quotes.

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