Famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi

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Those who know how to think need no teachers

"Those who know how to think need no teachers"

- Mahatma Gandhi

About this Quote

This quote by Mahatma Gandhi talks to the power of independent idea and the importance of self-education. He is suggesting that those who have the ability to believe for themselves and pertain to their own conclusions do not need to rely on the assistance of an instructor or mentor. This is not to state that teachers are not important, however rather that those who are able to think critically and separately can find out and grow without the help of an outside source.

Gandhi is emphasizing the significance of self-reliance and the capability to believe for oneself. He is recommending that those who have the ability to think on their own and come to their own conclusions are most likely to be successful in life. He is likewise recommending that those who have the ability to think on their own are most likely to be able to make educated choices and develop imaginative services to problems.

Gandhi's quote is a tip that all of us have the power to think for ourselves and concern our own conclusions. It is important to keep in mind that we are all capable of discovering and growing without the aid of a teacher or coach. We need to aim to think separately and concern our own conclusions, as this is the essential to success.

About the Author

Mahatma Gandhi This quote is written / told by Mahatma Gandhi between October 2, 1869 and January 30, 1948. He was a famous Leader from India. The author also have 160 other quotes.

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