Famous quote by Jean-Paul Sartre

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Words are more treacherous and powerful than we think

"Words are more treacherous and powerful than we think"

- Jean-Paul Sartre

About this Quote

"Words are more treacherous and powerful than we think" is a quote by Jean-Paul Sartre, a French thinker, playwright, and novelist understood for his considerable contributions to existentialism and phenomenology.

In this quote, Sartre highlights the often undervalued power and prospective threat of words. He recommends that words can have a far-reaching impact, both in terms of shaping ideas and influencing individuals's actions and emotions.

Interpreting this quote, we can comprehend that Sartre is highlighting the double-edged nature of language. On one hand, words possess the power to motivate, inform, and foster understanding. On the other hand, they can be used to trick, control, and harm. Words can be "treacherous" in the sense that they can communicate false or deceptive info, or be utilized to misrepresent the intentions or beliefs of the speaker.

Furthermore, Sartre's quote also discuss the intrinsic subjectivity and uncertainty of language. The significance of words can be analyzed in various methods, depending on the context and the point of views of both the speaker and the listener. This inherent uncertainty can result in misconceptions, misinterpretations, and even conflict.

In summary, Jean-Paul Sartre's quote "Words are more treacherous and effective than we think" underscores the substantial effect and prospective dangers of language. Words hold the power to shape ideas, affect actions, and stimulate feelings, but they can also be used to trick and manipulate. Sartre's quote works as a pointer to approach language with care and know its complexities and prospective repercussions.

About the Author

Jean-Paul Sartre This quote is written / told by Jean-Paul Sartre between June 21, 1905 and April 15, 1980. He was a famous Philosopher from France. The author also have 58 other quotes.

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