Aung San Suu Kyi Biography

Aung San Suu Kyi, Activist
BornJune 19, 1945
Age79 years
Aung San Suu Kyi, a popular politician, civils rights activist, as well as Nobel Peace Reward laureate, was born upon June 19, 1945, in Yangon (formerly called Rangoon), Myanmar (formerly referred to as Burma). She is the daughter of General Aung San, the beginning dad of modern Myanmar, and also Daw Khin Kyi, a famous registered nurse and social worker.

Early Life and Education
Aung San Suu Kyi grew up in a politically billed environment due to her dad's function in attaining Myanmar's freedom from British regulation. General Aung San was executed when Suu Kyi was simply 2 years old. Despite the catastrophe, her mother, Daw Khin Kyi, raised her with a solid feeling of social duty and dedication towards her country.

Suu Kyi obtained her very early education in Myanmar prior to transferring to India when her mother was appointed as the Burmese Ambassador to India and Nepal. She researched at the Convent of Jesus and also Mary School and also later made a level in Political Science from the Lady Shri Ram College in Delhi.

In 1964, Suu Kyi moved to the United Kingdom to seek college. She earned a BA level in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the University of Oxford's St. Hugh's College. During her time in the UK, Suu Kyi was deeply affected by Mahatma Gandhi's viewpoint of pacifist resistance.

In 1972, she married a British academic, Dr. Michael Aris. The couple had two kids, Alexander and also Kim. Suu Kyi as well as her other half continued their academic searches, with Suu Kyi working at the University of London, where she researched her daddy's political legacy and Myanmar's political landscape.

Political Activism
In 1988, Suu Kyi went back to Myanmar to take care of her ailing mommy, who was hospitalized after a severe stroke. That same year, the country remained in chaos because of mass objections versus the long-lasting military regimen. Motivated by her papa's legacy, Suu Kyi decided to enter the political sector.

Aung San Suu Kyi co-founded the National League for Democracy (NLD) in September 1988, with the objective of recovering freedom and also finishing military regulation in Myanmar. She supplied speeches and took a trip throughout the nation to satisfy and influence the masses. The armed forces regime, acknowledging her as an expanding hazard, positioned Suu Kyi under residence apprehension in 1989.

Throughout her 15 years of on and off home apprehension, Suu Kyi remained to lead the NLD and required global sanctions versus the military routine. In 1991, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of her nonviolent battle for freedom as well as human rights.

Freedom as well as Political Leadership
In November 2010, Suu Kyi was released from residence apprehension, and in April 2012, she won a seat in parliament after running in the legal by-elections. Over the next few years, she functioned in the direction of political reforms, the facility of the guideline of legislation, as well as national settlement in between ethnic groups.

In 2015, the National League for Democracy (NLD) won a landslide victory in the general political elections, and also although Suu Kyi was barred from becoming president because of a constitution stipulation, she was appointed as the State Counsellor, a duty similar to a prime minister.

Conflict as well as Fall from Grace
Aung San Suu Kyi's leadership faced a substantial difficulty in 2017 when the Rohingya dilemma escalated in the Rakhine State. Complaints of ethnic cleansing and genocide targeted the Myanmar military, and also the world sought to Suu Kyi for advice as well as treatment. Nonetheless, her silence as well as viewed engineering stained her online reputation as a human rights icon.

In February 2021, Myanmar's army staged a stroke of genius, apprehending Aung San Suu Kyi as well as various other political leaders, once more diving the nation into chaos. In spite of her autumn from poise, Aung San Suu Kyi remains a significant figure in Myanmar's political history and also the struggle for freedom as well as civils rights.

Our collection contains 8 quotes who is written / told by Aung, under the main topic Power.

Related authors: Mahatma Gandhi (Leader), Philo (Philosopher), Lawrence Taylor (Athlete)

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8 Famous quotes by Aung San Suu Kyi

Small: The value systems of those with access to power and of those far removed from such access cannot be the
"The value systems of those with access to power and of those far removed from such access cannot be the same. The viewpoint of the privileged is unlike that of the underprivileged"
Small: The democracy process provides for political and social change without violence
"The democracy process provides for political and social change without violence"
Small: The struggle for democracy and human rights in Burma is a struggle for life and dignity. It is a strugg
"The struggle for democracy and human rights in Burma is a struggle for life and dignity. It is a struggle that encompasses our political, social and economic aspirations"
Small: It is often in the name of cultural integrity as well as social stability and national security that de
"It is often in the name of cultural integrity as well as social stability and national security that democratic reforms based on human rights are resisted by authoritarian governments"
Small: Peace as a goal is an ideal which will not be contested by any government or nation, not even the most
"Peace as a goal is an ideal which will not be contested by any government or nation, not even the most belligerent"
Small: Human beings the world over need freedom and security that they may be able to realize their full poten
"Human beings the world over need freedom and security that they may be able to realize their full potential"
Small: The history of the world shows that peoples and societies do not have to pass through a fixed series of
"The history of the world shows that peoples and societies do not have to pass through a fixed series of stages in the course of development"
Small: I think I should be active politically. Because I look upon myself as a politician. Thats not a dirty w
"I think I should be active politically. Because I look upon myself as a politician. That's not a dirty work you know. Some people think that there are something wrong with politicians. Of course, something wrong with some politicians"