Famous quote by E. O. Wilson

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A very Faustian choice is upon us: whether to accept our corrosive and risky behavior as the unavoidable price of popula

"A very Faustian choice is upon us: whether to accept our corrosive and risky behavior as the unavoidable price of population and economic growth, or to take stock of ourselves and search for a new environmental ethic"

- E. O. Wilson

About this Quote

This quote by E. O. Wilson speaks to the hard decision that humankind is facing in regards to the environment. We exist with a Faustian choice, a choice in between 2 equally undesirable choices. On one hand, we can accept our current behavior of environmental degradation and damage as the unavoidable cost of population and economic development. On the other hand, we can take a step back and look for a new environmental principles that is more sustainable and less harmful to the environment. This is a hard decision, as both choices have their own dangers and downsides. Nevertheless, it is a choice that must be made if we are to ensure a healthy and prosperous future for ourselves and the world.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by E. O. Wilson between June 10, 1929 and December 26, 2021. He was a famous Scientist from USA. The author also have 29 other quotes.

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