"Admiration of the proletariat, like that of dams, power stations, and aeroplanes, is part of the ideology of the machine age"
- Bertrand Russell
About this Quote
This quote by Bertrand Russell is a discourse on the transforming worths of society in the machine age. Russell is recommending that admiration of the proletariat, or the functioning class, is a result of the industrial revolution and also the increase of the maker age. He is implying that the working course is currently seen as an icon of development as well as modernity, and is admired in the same way as devices and technology. This is a stark comparison to the pre-industrial era, when the functioning class was often seen as substandard as well as not worthy of affection. Russell is highlighting the change in worths that has happened in culture, and also just how the device age has altered the means we watch the functioning course.
"Power is not of a man. Wealth does not center in the person of the wealthy. Celebrity is not inherent in any personality. To be celebrated, to be wealthy, to have power requires access to major institutions"