Famous quote by John Donne

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And new Philosophy calls all in doubt, the element of fire is quite put out the Sun is lost, and the earth, and no mans

"And new Philosophy calls all in doubt, the element of fire is quite put out; the Sun is lost, and the earth, and no mans wit can well direct him where to look for it"

- John Donne

About this Quote

This quote by John Donne is a metaphor for the unpredictability of life. He is stating that the new philosophy, or brand-new point of view, has triggered all certainty to be questioned. The component of fire, which is a sign of enthusiasm and energy, has actually been extinguished, and the Sun, which is a sign of hope and enlightenment, is lost. Donne is stating that nobody can discover the responses to life's questions, which life is full of uncertainty. He is recommending that we must accept this uncertainty and reconcile it. This quote is a tip that life is unforeseeable and that we need to be prepared to deal with the unknown. It is a call to be brave and to accept the unidentified, even if it is frightening. It is a pointer that life has lots of surprises and that we should be open to them.

About the Author

John Donne This quote is written / told by John Donne between January 24, 1572 and March 31, 1631. He was a famous Poet from United Kingdom. The author also have 29 other quotes.

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