Famous quote by Virgil

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Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance

"Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance"

- Virgil

About this Quote

In this quote, Virgil stresses the significance of endurance in dealing with and overcoming the obstacles that life presents. The phrase "come what might" suggests a determination to confront any difficulties or miseries that might arise. Virgil acknowledges the presence of "bad fortune," recognizing that life is not constantly easy or reasonable. Nevertheless, he asserts that these difficulties can be conquered through endurance. Endurance suggests a resistant state of mind and a willingness to persist, even in the face of adversity. Virgil's message motivates individuals to keep strength and steady willpower, understanding that withstanding difficult times ultimately results in triumph and success.

About the Author

Virgil This quote is written / told by Virgil between 70 BC and 19 BC. He was a famous Writer from Rome. The author also have 63 other quotes.

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