Famous quote by Bernard Berenson

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Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago

"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago"

- Bernard Berenson

About this Quote

In this quote, Bernard Berenson is highlighting the value of consistency in one's knowledge and understanding. He suggests that in order to keep consistency, one should stay oblivious or uninformed about brand-new info or ideas. This may appear counterproductive, as we often associate consistency with being well-informed and updated. However, Berenson is emphasizing the need to stick to one's beliefs and principles, rather than constantly altering and adapting to new info. He is suggesting that consistency requires a particular level of lack of knowledge, as being too unbiased and constantly seeking new knowledge can cause disparity and a lack of conviction. Eventually, Berenson is advocating for a balance in between being open to new ideas and remaining real to one's beliefs.

About the Author

Bernard Berenson This quote is written / told by Bernard Berenson between June 26, 1865 and October 6, 1959. He was a famous Historian from USA. The author also have 12 other quotes.

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