Famous quote by Sallust

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Every man is the architect of his own fortune

"Every man is the architect of his own fortune"

- Sallust

About this Quote

This quote by Sallust suggests that each individual is responsible for their own success or failure in life. It suggests that one's destiny remains in their own hands and that they have the power to form their own future. It encourages people to take ownership of their lives and to do something about it to create the life they want. It recommends that the choices we make and the actions we take will identify our future. It likewise implies that we must take duty for our own successes and failures, instead of blaming external elements. Eventually, this quote encourages us to take control of our lives and to be proactive in developing our own destiny.

About the Author

Sallust This quote is written / told by Sallust between 86 BC and 34 BC. He was a famous Historian from Rome. The author also have 33 other quotes.

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