Famous quote by Hugh Leonard

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Gossip is more popular than literature

"Gossip is more popular than literature"

- Hugh Leonard

About this Quote

This quote by Hugh Leonard talks to the power of chatter and its prevalence in our culture. Chatter is a type of interaction that is commonly made use of to spread reports as well as tales about people, often with no accurate basis. It is a form of entertainment that is usually extra preferred than literature, which needs much more effort to recognize and also value. Chatter is often seen as a means to pass the time and to connect with others, as it is typically shared in social setups. It can also be used to spread out harmful rumors as well as to hurt individuals's credibilities. This quote works as a suggestion that gossip can be an effective tool, which it ought to be made use of sensibly. It likewise acts as a suggestion that literary works is an important kind of interaction and also ought to be appreciated and valued.

About the Author

Hugh Leonard This quote is written / told by Hugh Leonard between November 9, 1926 and February 12, 2009. He was a famous Dramatist from Ireland. The author also have 19 other quotes.

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