Famous quote by Siegfried Sassoon

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I believe that the purpose for which I and my fellow soldiers entered upon this war should have been so clearly stated a

"I believe that the purpose for which I and my fellow soldiers entered upon this war should have been so clearly stated as to have made it impossible to change them, and that, had this been done, the objects which actuated us would now be attainable by negotiation"

- Siegfried Sassoon

About this Quote

In this quote, Siegfried Sassoon reveals his belief that the reason for going to war must have been clearly defined from the beginning. He thinks that if this had actually been done, it would have been impossible for the goals to be altered. He likewise suggests that if the purpose of the war had actually been clearly specified, the objectives that inspired him and his fellow soldiers would have been achievable through settlement rather than through violence and bloodshed. This quote highlights the significance of clear communication and transparency in matters of war and the effects that can develop when these aspects are lacking.

About the Author

Siegfried Sassoon This quote is written / told by Siegfried Sassoon between September 8, 1886 and September 1, 1967. He was a famous Poet from United Kingdom. The author also have 8 other quotes.

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