Famous quote by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

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I want to increase our spending on research and development by 25%. Thats something the U.S. does very well.

"I want to increase our spending on research and development by 25%. That's something the U.S. does very well. That dynamism alongside a welfare state in the European community - that's the synthesis I want to achieve"

- Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

About this Quote

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero is promoting for increased spending on research and advancement in the United States. He believes that the dynamism of the U.S. economy, integrated with the well-being state of the European neighborhood, is the perfect synthesis for economic success. By increasing spending on research study and development by 25%, Zapatero thinks that the U.S. can continue to be a leader in development and innovation. He believes that this combination of dynamism and welfare will produce a strong financial foundation for the U.S. and Europe. Zapatero's vision is to create a synthesis of the 2 economic designs, allowing for the very best of both worlds. By increasing spending on research study and development, Zapatero believes that the U.S. can continue to be a leader in development and innovation, while also supplying a strong well-being state for its residents.

About the Author

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero This quote is written / told by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero somewhere between August 4, 1960 and today. He was a famous Politician from Spain. The author also have 17 other quotes.

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