Famous quote by John Dryden

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Love works a different way in different minds, the fool it enlightens and the wise it blinds

"Love works a different way in different minds, the fool it enlightens and the wise it blinds"

- John Dryden

About this Quote

This quote by John Dryden speaks to the power of love and how it can impact individuals in different ways. He recommends that love can have a different impact on various individuals, depending upon their level of wisdom. For the fool, love can be enlightening, bringing delight and happiness to their life. On the other hand, for the smart, love can be blinding, causing them to make choices that they would not normally make. This quote is a reminder that love can be a powerful force, and it is necessary to be knowledgeable about its prospective impacts. It is likewise a pointer that knowledge is essential when it comes to making decisions about love, as it can help us to make the best choices. Eventually, this quote is a tip that love is an intricate emotion, and it is necessary to be knowledgeable about its potential results on our lives.

About the Author

John Dryden This quote is written / told by John Dryden between August 9, 1631 and May 12, 1700. He was a famous Poet from England. The author also have 48 other quotes.

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