Famous quote by Thomas Jefferson

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No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden

"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden"

- Thomas Jefferson

About this Quote

Thomas Jefferson was a man of many talents, and he was especially passionate about gardening. In this quote, he expresses his love for the occupation of gardening and how it is the most wonderful activity for him. He thinks that there is no other occupation that can compare to the culture of the earth and the culture of the garden. He is describing the cultivation of plants and the art of gardening, which he discovered to be a really satisfying and enjoyable activity. He was a company believer in the power of nature and the appeal of the garden, and he discovered terrific joy in tending to his plants and seeing them grow. He was a great supporter for the value of gardening and the advantages it can give one's life. He thought that gardening was a fantastic way to connect with nature and to appreciate the charm of the earth. He was a company follower in the power of nature and the beauty of the garden, and he discovered fantastic delight in tending to his plants and viewing them grow.

About the Author

Thomas Jefferson This quote is written / told by Thomas Jefferson between April 13, 1743 and July 4, 1826. He was a famous President from USA. The author also have 143 other quotes.

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