Wisdom quote by Alan Kay

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Perspective is worth 80 IQ points

"Perspective is worth 80 IQ points"

- Alan Kay

About this Quote

This quote by Alan Kay is a reminder that point of view is an invaluable possession in life. It suggests that having a broad viewpoint on life can be simply as crucial as having a high IQ. It indicates that having a wide range of understanding and understanding of the world can be just as helpful as having a high IQ.

The quote motivates us to think outside the box and to take a look at things from various angles. It suggests that having a different point of view can help us to acquire insight and understanding that we might not have actually had before. It also indicates that having a broad point of view can assist us to make much better decisions and to think more critically.

In conclusion, this quote by Alan Kay is a tip that viewpoint is a vital possession in life. It recommends that having a broad perspective can be just as advantageous as having a high IQ. It motivates us to think outside the box and to take a look at things from various angles in order to get insight and understanding.

About the Author

Alan Kay This quote is written / told by Alan Kay somewhere between May 17, 1940 and today. He was a famous Scientist from USA, the quote is categorized under the topic Wisdom. The author also have 5 other quotes.

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