Famous quote by Julius Streicher

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Ritual murder is referred to in court files which are located in Rome. There are pictures in it which show that in 23 ca

"Ritual murder is referred to in court files which are located in Rome. There are pictures in it which show that in 23 cases, the Church itself has dealt with the question"

- Julius Streicher

About this Quote

This quote by Julius Streicher is describing the practice of routine murder, which is the killing of an individual or group of individuals as part of a spiritual or cultural routine. Streicher is recommending that there is evidence of this practice in court files situated in Rome, and that the Church has been associated with 23 cases. This recommends that the Church has had to handle the issue of routine murder in the past, and that it is a practice that has been recorded and taken seriously. It is possible that Streicher is suggesting that the Church has been complicit in the practice of ritual murder, or a minimum of has actually needed to resolve it in some capacity. This quote is a tip of the dark history of ritual murder and the Church's involvement in it.

About the Author

This quote is written / told by Julius Streicher between February 12, 1885 and October 16, 1946. He/she was a famous Soldier. The author also have 22 other quotes.

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