Congress Quotes

Small: The airheads of Congress will keep their own plush healthcare plan - its the rest of us guinea pigs who will b
Camille Paglia
"The airheads of Congress will keep their own plush healthcare plan - it's the rest of us guinea pigs who will be thrown to the wolves"
Camille Paglia, Author
Small: Members of Congress must live according to the same laws as everyone else
Bobby Jindal
"Members of Congress must live according to the same laws as everyone else"
Bobby Jindal, Politician
Small: When I ran for Congress I promised to help make health care affordable again
Bobby Jindal
"When I ran for Congress I promised to help make health care affordable again"
Bobby Jindal, Politician
Small: Congress did a good thing back in 1995 in passing the Deep Water Royalty Relief Act. That act did a simple thi
Bobby Jindal
"Congress did a good thing back in 1995 in passing the Deep Water Royalty Relief Act. That act did a simple thing. It provided automatic royalty relief for new leases for 5 years in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico"
Bobby Jindal, Politician
Small: It is time this Congress listened to the American people and minimum-wage workers, and it is time that we act
Russ Carnahan
"It is time this Congress listened to the American people and minimum-wage workers, and it is time that we act"
Russ Carnahan, Politician
Small: It is irresponsible for this Congress to not investigate the Presidents lack of an exit strategy, and the frau
Russ Carnahan
"It is irresponsible for this Congress to not investigate the President's lack of an exit strategy, and the fraud, waste, and abuse of U.S. tax dollars"
Russ Carnahan, Politician
Small: Congress has not raised the minimum wage since 1997. The minimum wage is now at its lowest level in 50 years a
Russ Carnahan
"Congress has not raised the minimum wage since 1997. The minimum wage is now at its lowest level in 50 years adjusted for inflation"
Russ Carnahan, Politician
Small: I have seen in the Halls of Congress more idealism, more humanness, more compassion, more profiles of courage
Hubert H. Humphrey
"I have seen in the Halls of Congress more idealism, more humanness, more compassion, more profiles of courage than in any other institution that I have ever known"
Hubert H. Humphrey, Politician
Small: I said what I said before Congress because I meant every word of it
"I said what I said before Congress because I meant every word of it"
Rafael Palmeiro, Athlete
Small: When I testified in front of Congress, I know that I was testifying under oath and I told the truth
"When I testified in front of Congress, I know that I was testifying under oath and I told the truth"
Rafael Palmeiro, Athlete
Small: It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-biased media and the homosexuals who want to destroy all Christians
"It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-biased media and the homosexuals who want to destroy all Christians"
Pat Robertson, Clergyman
Small: I think President Obama is trying to deceive the public in pretending that he was not a part of Congress that
Sarah Palin
"I think President Obama is trying to deceive the public in pretending that he was not a part of Congress that has made some decisions in the past that got us to where we are today"
Sarah Palin, Politician
Small: Dont divide the world into them and us. Avoid infatuation with or resentment of the press, the Congress, rival
"Don't divide the world into "them" and "us." Avoid infatuation with or resentment of the press, the Congress, rivals, or opponents. Accept them as facts. They have their jobs and you have yours"
Donald Rumsfeld, Politician
Small: Congress would exclude slavery from any territory that in the future might be acquired from Mexico
"Congress would exclude slavery from any territory that in the future might be acquired from Mexico"
David Wilmot, Activist
Small: Now that judges embrace forcibly starving someone to death, Congress should use its appropriation power to sta
"Now that judges embrace forcibly starving someone to death, Congress should use its appropriation power to starve the judicial budget"
Phyllis Schlafly, Activist
Small: Congress should pass legislation to remove from the federal courts their jurisdiction to hear these outrageous
"Congress should pass legislation to remove from the federal courts their jurisdiction to hear these outrageous challenges to the Ten Commandments and the Pledge of Allegiance"
Phyllis Schlafly, Activist
Small: Our runaway judiciary is badly in need of restraint by Congress
"Our runaway judiciary is badly in need of restraint by Congress"
Phyllis Schlafly, Activist
Small: It has been a privilege beyond belief for me to have represented the State of Louisiana in Congress and to hav
Lindy Boggs
"It has been a privilege beyond belief for me to have represented the State of Louisiana in Congress and to have been given the blessed assignment of U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See"
Lindy Boggs, Politician
Small: If we are wondering why only 19 percent of the American people feel that the Congress is in tune with their pr
Corrine Brown
"If we are wondering why only 19 percent of the American people feel that the Congress is in tune with their priorities, the cuts in Amtrak is one blatant reason why"
Corrine Brown, Politician
Small: During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet
Al Gore
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet"
Al Gore, Vice President
Small: They all agree, they are all unanimous in Congress, in the States, on the rostrum, in the sanctuary - everywhe
"They all agree, they are all unanimous in Congress, in the States, on the rostrum, in the sanctuary - everywhere they declare that slavery shall not go into the Territories"
Robert Toombs, Politician
Small: Well, I mean, Congress did originally set the formula for the state grants, and they guaranteed every state a
"Well, I mean, Congress did originally set the formula for the state grants, and they guaranteed every state a minimum formula. So that was a congressional decision"
Michael Chertoff, Public Servant
Small: To hear some men talk of the government, you would suppose that Congress was the law of gravitation, and kept
"To hear some men talk of the government, you would suppose that Congress was the law of gravitation, and kept the planets in their places"
Wendell Phillips, Activist
Small: It was the separation of powers upon which the framers placed their hopes for the preservation of the peoples
"It was the separation of powers upon which the framers placed their hopes for the preservation of the people's liberties. Despite this heritage, the congress has been in too many cases more than willing to walk away from its constitutional powers"
Robert Byrd, Politician
Small: Let me make the newspapers, and I care not what is preached in the pulpit or what is enacted in Congress
"Let me make the newspapers, and I care not what is preached in the pulpit or what is enacted in Congress"
Wendell Phillips, Activist
Small: The Bush Administration and the Congress have to stop ignoring this crisis in international trade. The longer
"The Bush Administration and the Congress have to stop ignoring this crisis in international trade. The longer we ignore it, the more American jobs will move overseas. It's just that simple"
Byron Dorgan, Politician
Small: I came to the conclusion months ago, and I said it to members of Congress, that the only way people are going
"I came to the conclusion months ago, and I said it to members of Congress, that the only way people are going to fully appreciate what this reform is if we pass it and implement it and it becomes not a caricature but a reality, and I still believe that. So I think it will be easier to sell it moving forward than it was to this point"
David Axelrod, Public Servant
Small: I dont believe in lobbying only progressives and liberal members of Congress. I dont believe in doing intervie
"I don't believe in lobbying only progressives and liberal members of Congress. I don't believe in doing interviews only with those who share my views. I want to reach a wider audience"
Bianca Jagger, Celebrity
Small: Congress is headed in the wrong direction with this bill which removes any and all incentives from the food in
"Congress is headed in the wrong direction with this bill which removes any and all incentives from the food industry to improve their products for children"
Bob Filner, Politician
Small: As Congress continues to debate ways to address illegal immigration, we must remember the many hard-working le
"As Congress continues to debate ways to address illegal immigration, we must remember the many hard-working legal immigrants that contribute so much to our nation's economy and culture"
Bob Filner, Politician
Small: We as a Congress have a moral obligation to bring justice to the families of these victims. Furthermore, as a
"We as a Congress have a moral obligation to bring justice to the families of these victims. Furthermore, as a society based on laws, we have a responsibility to ensure that criminals don't go unpunished"
Bob Filner, Politician
Small: This is a basic function of Congress to keep the government running. And so, what we ought not to do is play p
"This is a basic function of Congress to keep the government running. And so, what we ought not to do is play politics with those who have been affected by disasters"
David Plouffe, Public Servant
Small: As we get closer to the end of this Congress, we should be addressing the urgent needs of the American people
"As we get closer to the end of this Congress, we should be addressing the urgent needs of the American people - the war in Iraq, affordable health care, a sensible energy policy, quality education for our children, retirement security, and a sound and fair fiscal policy"
Chris Van Hollen, Politician
Small: It has been a top priority of Congress to reduce the drug costs of all seniors
"It has been a top priority of Congress to reduce the drug costs of all seniors"
Paul Gillmor, Politician
Small: The instant the Government was organized, at the very first Congress, the Northern States evinced a general de
"The instant the Government was organized, at the very first Congress, the Northern States evinced a general desire and purpose to use it for their own benefit, and to pervert its powers for sectional advantage, and they have steadily pursued that policy to this day"
Robert Toombs, Politician
Small: We have seen that, in another unfunded mandate, the so-called No Child Left Behind Act, which created tougher
"We have seen that, in another unfunded mandate, the so-called No Child Left Behind Act, which created tougher standards, and we all support that, but Congress did not provide the money to attract and hire the best teachers"
Bob Filner, Politician
Small: This body, the United States Congress, was united, Republicans and Democrats alike, in taking that action, top
"This body, the United States Congress, was united, Republicans and Democrats alike, in taking that action, toppling the Taliban government, and working to try and root out al Qaeda and find Osama bin Laden"
Chris Van Hollen, Politician
Small: The salary of a member of Congress ends the day that he of she leaves office
"The salary of a member of Congress ends the day that he of she leaves office"
Virgil Goode, Politician
Small: With respect to the northeastern boundary of the United States, no official correspondence between this Govern
"With respect to the northeastern boundary of the United States, no official correspondence between this Government and that of Great Britain has passed since that communicated to Congress toward the close of their last session"
Martin Van Buren, President
Small: Every proper exertion has been made and will be continued to carry out the wishes of Congress in relation to t
"Every proper exertion has been made and will be continued to carry out the wishes of Congress in relation to the tobacco trade, as indicated in the several resolutions of the House of Representatives and the legislation of the two branches"
Martin Van Buren, President