"The cloud that descended on Black Rock on Monday was not for the past but the future. How much will this debacle chill the pursuit of other risky investigations?"
This quote is written / told by Tina Brown somewhere between November 21, 1953 and today. He/she was a famous Editor from USA.
The author also have 11 other quotes.
"The tiger is a magnificent creature and one that is threatened by human activities on all fronts. It is up to us to protect this iconic species and ensure that it has a future in the wild"
"All endeavor calls for the ability to tramp the last mile, shape the last plan, endure the last hours toil. The fight to the finish spirit is the one... characteristic we must posses if we are to face the future as finishers"
"Life is divided into three terms - that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present to live better in the future"