Famous quote by Alison Krauss

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The grand old lady of bluegrass? Well, wouldnt that be a wonderful title to have? I hope I do enough to earn it some day

"The grand old lady of bluegrass? Well, wouldn't that be a wonderful title to have? I hope I do enough to earn it some day"

- Alison Krauss

About this Quote

In this quote, Alison Krauss reveals her affection for the title of "the grand old lady of bluegrass." She sees it as a prominent and respectable title, one that she intends to earn through her hard work and commitment to the genre. Krauss recognizes the significance of this title and the legacy it brings, and she aspires to be worthy of it one day. Her words also reveal her passion for bluegrass music and her decision to continue adding to its rich history. In general, this quote showcases Krauss's humility and her deep regard for the bluegrass neighborhood.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by Alison Krauss somewhere between July 23, 1971 and today. He/she was a famous Musician from USA. The author also have 11 other quotes.

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