Famous quote by Paul Muldoon

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The ground swell is whats going to sink you as well as being what buoys you up. These are cliches also, of course, and I

"The ground swell is what's going to sink you as well as being what buoys you up. These are cliches also, of course, and I'm sometimes interested in how much one can get away with"

- Paul Muldoon

About this Quote

This quote by Paul Muldoon speaks to the concept of the duality of life. The ground swell, a metaphor for the ups and downs of life, can both buoy us up and sink us. This concept is a cliche, but Muldoon has an interest in how much one can get away with using these cliches. He is suggesting that although these cliches are overused, they still have the power to convey a message. Life has plenty of low and high, and the ground swell is a metaphor for this. It can lift us up and give us hope, but it can also bring us down and cause us to sink. Muldoon is recommending that although these cliches are excessive used, they still have the power to convey a message. Life has lots of highs and lows, and the ground swell is a metaphor for this. It can raise us up and provide us hope, but it can also bring us down and cause us to sink. Muldoon is recommending that although these cliches are excessive used, they still have the power to communicate a message and advise us of the duality of life.

About the Author

Paul Muldoon This quote is written / told by Paul Muldoon somewhere between June 20, 1951 and today. He was a famous Poet from England. The author also have 21 other quotes.

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