Famous quote by Thomas Babington

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The maxim, that governments ought to train the people in the way in which they should go, sounds well.

"The maxim, that governments ought to train the people in the way in which they should go, sounds well. But is there any reason for believing that a government is more likely to lead the people in the right way than the people to fall into the right way of themselves?"

- Thomas Babington

About this Quote

This quote by Thomas Babington is questioning the concept that governments must be in charge of training individuals in the method they need to go. He is asking if there is any reason to think that a government is more likely to lead individuals in properly than individuals to fall into the proper way of themselves. He is suggesting that individuals should be depended make their very own decisions which federal governments need to not be accountable for determining how people need to live their lives. He is implying that the people must be provided the freedom to make their very own selections which federal governments must not be the ones to determine what is right and also incorrect. This quote is a suggestion that governments should not be the ones to determine exactly how people ought to live their lives, but rather that individuals ought to be depended make their very own decisions.

About the Author

United Kingdom Flag This quote is written / told by Thomas Babington between August 25, 1800 and December 28, 1859. He/she was a famous Poet from United Kingdom. The author also have 9 other quotes.

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