Famous quote by Steve Irwin

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The only animals Im not comfortable with are parrots, but Im learning as I go. Im getting better and better at em. I rea

"The only animals I'm not comfortable with are parrots, but I'm learning as I go. I'm getting better and better at 'em. I really am"

- Steve Irwin

About this Quote

Steve Irwin was known for his love of animals, however he was not always comfy with all of them. In this quote, he is describing parrots, which he was not initially comfy with. However, he was figured out to find out more about them and become better at managing them. He was positive in his ability to find out and grow, and he took pride in the development he was making. His enthusiasm for animals appeared in his desire to get more information about them, even if he was initially uncomfortable. He was figured out to become better and much better at dealing with parrots, and he was confident that he could do it. His enthusiasm for animals was motivating, and his decision to find out more about them was admirable.

About the Author

Australia Flag This quote is written / told by Steve Irwin between February 22, 1962 and September 4, 2006. He/she was a famous Scientist from Australia. The author also have 34 other quotes.

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