Famous quote by Albert Camus

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Those who weep for the happy periods which they encounter in history acknowledge what they want not the alleviation but

"Those who weep for the happy periods which they encounter in history acknowledge what they want; not the alleviation but the silencing of misery"

- Albert Camus

About this Quote

Albert Camus is suggesting that those who reflect on happier times in history are not always trying to find a method to make their own lives much better, however rather a way to neglect the suffering that exists in the present. He is stating that individuals often aim to the past as a method to leave the truth of their existing circumstance. He is indicating that people are not looking for a service to their problems, however rather a way to overlook them. He is recommending that individuals often utilize fond memories as a way to cope with their present battles, instead of actively trying to enhance their lives. Camus is highlighting the importance of dealing with truth and actively working to enhance one's life, instead of simply attempting to escape it. He is suggesting that individuals need to not be content with simply disregarding their issues, but must rather make every effort to make their lives better.

About the Author

Albert Camus This quote is written / told by Albert Camus between November 7, 1913 and January 4, 1960. He was a famous Philosopher from France. The author also have 89 other quotes.

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