Famous quote by Albert Schweitzer

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Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace

"Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace"

- Albert Schweitzer

About this Quote

This quote by Albert Schweitzer talks to the concept that peace and harmony can not be accomplished up until we extend our empathy to all living things. He is suggesting that we should acknowledge the interconnectedness of all life and the significance of dealing with all living things with regard and compassion. This consists of not just people, but animals, plants, and the environment as well. By recognizing the importance of all life, we can produce a more serene and unified world. Schweitzer is suggesting that we must surpass our own self-interest and acknowledge the importance of all life. Only then can we genuinely discover peace. This quote talks to the concept that peace and consistency are not practically our own individual needs, but about the collective needs of all living things. We need to recognize the value of all life and extend our empathy to all living things in order to create a more peaceful and unified world.

About the Author

Albert Schweitzer This quote is written / told by Albert Schweitzer between January 14, 1875 and September 4, 1965. He was a famous Theologian from Germany. The author also have 59 other quotes.

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