Famous quote by Hansie Cronje

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We really tried hard not to make it a cricket book, it appeals to a much wider community

"We really tried hard not to make it a cricket book, it appeals to a much wider community"

- Hansie Cronje

About this Quote

In this quote, Hansie Cronje is revealing his efforts to create a book that is not exclusively concentrated on cricket, however rather one that can be enjoyed by a more comprehensive audience. He acknowledges that cricket may not be of interest to everybody, and therefore, he wanted to make sure that his book would interest a broader neighborhood. This shows his understanding and consideration for different interests and his desire to reach a diverse group of readers. By stating that they "really tried hard," Cronje emphasizes the commitment and effort put into making the book available and engaging for all, despite their knowledge or interest in cricket.

About the Author

Hansie Cronje This quote is written / told by Hansie Cronje between September 25, 1969 and June 1, 2002. He was a famous Athlete from South Africa. The author also have 8 other quotes.

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