Famous quote by Ho Chi Minh

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Write in such a way as that you can be readily understood by both the young and the old, by men as well as women, even b

"Write in such a way as that you can be readily understood by both the young and the old, by men as well as women, even by children"

- Ho Chi Minh

About this Quote

Ho Chi Minh's quote encourages writers to be conscious of their audience when crafting their work. He recommends that writers should aim to make their composing available to a wide range of readers, despite age, gender, or instructional level. He highlights the significance of writing in a manner in which is clear and easy to comprehend, so that everyone can take advantage of the message. This quote encourages writers to be conscious of their language and to utilize words that are suitable for their desired audience. It also encourages writers to think about the context of their writing and to tailor their words accordingly. By doing so, writers can ensure that their message is comprehended by all readers, despite their background. Ho Chi Minh's quote is a tip that composing must be inclusive and available to all.

About the Author

Ho Chi Minh This quote is written / told by Ho Chi Minh between May 19, 1890 and September 2, 1969. He was a famous Revolutionary from Vietnam. The author also have 12 other quotes.

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