Famous quotes by Judges

JudgesThroughout background, courts have actually been entrusted with the challenging job of interpreting and supporting the legislation. From the old Greek philosopher Socrates to the contemporary Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, judges have shared their wisdom as well as understanding on the legislation, justice, as well as the human condition. Below are a few of the most motivating quotes from judges that have shaped our legal system and our world.
Small: That the king can do no wrong is a necessary and fundamental principle of the English constitution
"That the king can do no wrong is a necessary and fundamental principle of the English constitution"
William Blackstone, Judge
Small: To separate children from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a fe
Earl Warren
"To separate children from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone"
Earl Warren, Judge
Small: The law, which restrains a man from doing mischief to his fellow citizens, though it diminishes the natural, i
"The law, which restrains a man from doing mischief to his fellow citizens, though it diminishes the natural, increases the civil liberty of mankind"
William Blackstone, Judge
Small: Ben Franklin may have discovered electricity- but it is the man who invented the meter who made the money
Earl Warren
"Ben Franklin may have discovered electricity- but it is the man who invented the meter who made the money"
Earl Warren, Judge
Small: A healthy democracy requires a decent society it requires that we are honorable, generous, tolerant and respec
Charles W. Pickering
"A healthy democracy requires a decent society; it requires that we are honorable, generous, tolerant and respectful"
Charles W. Pickering, Judge
Small: The 4th Amendment and the personal rights it secures have a long history. At the very core stands the right of
"The 4th Amendment and the personal rights it secures have a long history. At the very core stands the right of a man to retreat into his own home and there be free from unreasonable governmental intrusion"
Potter Stewart, Judge
Small: The police must obey the law while enforcing the law
Earl Warren
"The police must obey the law while enforcing the law"
Earl Warren, Judge
Small: The aim of law is the maximum gratification of the nervous system of man
"The aim of law is the maximum gratification of the nervous system of man"
Learned Hand, Judge
Small: We may win when we lose, if we have done what we can for by so doing we have made real at least some part of t
"We may win when we lose, if we have done what we can; for by so doing we have made real at least some part of that finished product in whose fabrication we are most concerned: ourselves"
Learned Hand, Judge
Small: Thou shalt not ration justice
"Thou shalt not ration justice"
Learned Hand, Judge
Small: Swift justice demands more than just swiftness
"Swift justice demands more than just swiftness"
Potter Stewart, Judge
Small: While democracy must have its organization and controls, its vital breath is individual liberty
"While democracy must have its organization and controls, its vital breath is individual liberty"
Charles Evans Hughes, Judge
Small: A man has to live with himself, and he should see to it that he always has good company
"A man has to live with himself, and he should see to it that he always has good company"
Charles Evans Hughes, Judge
Small: The 5th Amendment is an old friend and a good friend. one of the great landmarks in mens struggle to be free o
"The 5th Amendment is an old friend and a good friend. one of the great landmarks in men's struggle to be free of tyranny, to be decent and civilized"
William O. Douglas, Judge
Small: A union of government and religion tends to destroy government and degrade religion
"A union of government and religion tends to destroy government and degrade religion"
Hugo Black, Judge
Small: People have to be educated and they have to stick to it. If people lose that respect, an awful lot is lost
"People have to be educated and they have to stick to it. If people lose that respect, an awful lot is lost"
Stephen Breyer, Judge
Small: No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God
"No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God"
William Blackstone, Judge
Small: Men was formed for society, and is neither capable of living alone, nor has the courage to do it
"Men was formed for society, and is neither capable of living alone, nor has the courage to do it"
William Blackstone, Judge
Small: It is better that ten guilty escape than one innocent suffer
"It is better that ten guilty escape than one innocent suffer"
William Blackstone, Judge
Small: The censors sword pierces deeply into the heart of free expression
Earl Warren
"The censor's sword pierces deeply into the heart of free expression"
Earl Warren, Judge
Small: If it is a mistake of the head and not the heart dont worry about it, thats the way we learn
Earl Warren
"If it is a mistake of the head and not the heart don't worry about it, that's the way we learn"
Earl Warren, Judge
Small: Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile, I caught hell for
Earl Warren
"Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile, I caught hell for"
Earl Warren, Judge
Small: Right knows no boundaries, and justice no frontiers the brotherhood of man is not a domestic institution
"Right knows no boundaries, and justice no frontiers; the brotherhood of man is not a domestic institution"
Learned Hand, Judge
Small: The mid-day sun is too much for most eyes one is dazzled even with its reflection. Be careful that too broad a
"The mid-day sun is too much for most eyes; one is dazzled even with its reflection. Be careful that too broad and high an aim does not paralyze your effort and clog your springs of action"
Learned Hand, Judge
Small: If we are to keep democracy, there must be a commandment: Thou shalt not ration justice
"If we are to keep democracy, there must be a commandment: Thou shalt not ration justice"
Learned Hand, Judge
Small: Life is made up of constant calls to action, and we seldom have time for more than hastily contrived answers
"Life is made up of constant calls to action, and we seldom have time for more than hastily contrived answers"
Learned Hand, Judge
Small: Fairness is what justice really is
"Fairness is what justice really is"
Potter Stewart, Judge
Small: Our legislation addresses broadcasts over the public airwaves, but I hope the cable and satellite industries s
Charles W. Pickering
"Our legislation addresses broadcasts over the public airwaves, but I hope the cable and satellite industries see the importance of this issue and voluntarily create a family tier of programming and offer culturally responsible products"
Charles W. Pickering, Judge
Small: Media corporations have a civic responsibility not only to prevent fraud and financial abuse, but also to not
Charles W. Pickering
"Media corporations have a civic responsibility not only to prevent fraud and financial abuse, but also to not corrupt or degrade our culture"
Charles W. Pickering, Judge
Small: The United States is the greatest law factory the world has ever known
"The United States is the greatest law factory the world has ever known"
Charles Evans Hughes, Judge
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