A Dissertation on Anecdotes (1793) by Isaac Disraeli |
A Room of One's Own (1929) by Virginia Woolf |
Adventures in Contentment (1907) by Ray Stannard Baker |
Adventures in Friendship (1910) by Ray Stannard Baker |
Americans and Others (1912) by Agnes Repplier |
An Essay on the Manners and Genius of the Literary Character (1795) by Isaac Disraeli |
At Large (1908) by A. C. Benson |
Books and Men (1888) by Agnes Repplier |
Ceres' Runaway & Other Essays (1909) by Alice Meynell |
Civil Wars (1983) by Hans Magnus Enzensberger |
Columns (1959) by Ulrike Meinhof |
Counter-Currents (1916) by Agnes Repplier |
Critical Essays (1982) by Hans Magnus Enzensberger |
Democratic Vistas (1871) by Walt Whitman |
Essays in Miniature (1892) by Agnes Repplier |
Hearts of Controversy (1917) by Alice Meynell |
In One Ear (1974) by Eric Sevareid |
In the Dozy Hours, and Other Papers (1894) by Agnes Repplier |
London Impressions (1898) by Alice Meynell |
Men, Women, and Books (1847) by Leigh Hunt |
Moralia (100) by Plutarch |
On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History (1841) by Thomas Carlyle |
Points of View (1891) by Agnes Repplier |
Possible Worlds and Other Papers (1927) by John B. S. Haldane |
Rustic Sounds and Other Studies in Literature and Natural History (1917) by Francis Darwin |
Science Advances (1947) by John B. S. Haldane |
The Days Before (1952) by Katherine Anne Porter |
The Freeholder (1715) by Joseph Addison |
The Friendly Road (1913) by Ray Stannard Baker |
The Rhythm of Life (1893) by Alice Meynell |
The Spectator (1711) by Joseph Addison |
The Spirit of Place and Other Essays (1899) by Alice Meynell |
The Tatler (1709) by Joseph Addison |
Varia (1897) by Agnes Repplier |
ZENarchy (1991) by Kerry Thornley |