Book: The Problem of Art

"The Problem of Art" is a book composed by Italian philosopher Nicola Abbagnano, released in 1942. As an agent of existentialist idea, Abbagnano in this book explores the nature of art through the lens of human presence, focusing particularly on the ontological concerns intrinsic in the creative undertaking. The book is structured in 3 parts, each attending to a different aspect of the problem: the ontological issue of art, the relationship in between art and reality, and the location of art in human life.

Part One: The Ontological Problem of Art
In the first part of the book, Abbagnano looks into the ontology of artworks. He asserts that when considering art, there are 3 components to consider: the artist, the work of art itself, and the audience that comes across the art. Each of these aspects has its own mode of being and reality, yet they are all intertwined and constitute the artistic phenomenon. Art, according to Abbagnano, is a truth that exists beyond the physical world-- it can just be come across through imaginative procedures and by those who interact with art work. In this sense, art is an existential reality that can not be fully explained by the empirical sciences, and it transcends unbiased analysis.

Abbagnano also attends to the problem of the relationship between type and material in art. He argues that form and content are inseparable and that they influence each other. Consequently, an art work's form is more than just a simple container or instrument for the material; it belongs to the content itself. Eventually, both form and content collaborate to develop the distinct significance of an artwork.

Part Two: Art and Truth
The second part of the book focuses on the relationship between art and reality. Abbagnano highlights the significance of reality in art, and he links this notion to the idea of authenticity: an authentic art work communicates a truthful representation of its subject matter. He distinguishes between two kinds of fact showed in art: the axiom and the specific reality. The axiom is shown in the formal aspects of an art work, such as its structure, composition, and harmony. These aspects expose the artist's understanding of the universal principles governing the nature of things.

On the other hand, specific reality is reflected in the particular content of the artwork and the artist's unique analysis of their topic. This truth relates to the human condition and the uniqueness of the artist's experience. Abbagnano stresses that a genuinely valuable work of art presents both universal and private truth in a coherent and unified manner.

Part Three: The Place of Art in Human Life
In the last part of the book, Abbagnano analyzes the role and value of art in human life and its contribution to society. He worries the essential function of art in human advancement and self-awareness, explaining that art permits us to discover and interact aspects of our presence that can not be accessed through other ways. Additionally, he declares that art helps with interaction between individuals, transcending cultural, social, and linguistic barriers.

Art is also a reflection of human worths and a medium for communicating and criticizing social concerns. Art can express dissent or affirmation and can serve as a kind of demonstration or as a representation of the accepted norms and worths. Abbagnano concludes by asserting that art is fundamental to human presence, as it captures the essence of our being and permits us to transcend ourselves by connecting us with production and imagination.

In conclusion, Nicola Abbagnano's "The Problem of Art" uses a comprehensive exploration of the ontology of art, its relationship to reality, and its crucial function in human life. Abbagnano stresses the distinct nature of the artistic phenomenon, advising readers of the importance of real, authentic masterpieces that speak to both universal and individual truths.
The Problem of Art
Original Title: Il problema dell'arte

A philosophical examination of the nature of art and artistic creation, focusing on the theories of aesthetics and the role of the artist.

Author: Nicola Abbagnano

Nicola Abbagnano Nicola Abbagnano, a leading Italian existentialist thinker. Delve into his unique positive existentialism and memorable quotes.
More about Nicola Abbagnano