Facts about Bram Stoker

BornNovember 8, 1847
DiedApril 20, 1912
Aged64 years


Bram Stoker was a famous Writer from Ireland, who lived between November 8, 1847 and April 20, 1912. He/she became 64 years old.

He/she is born under the zodiac scorpio, who is known for Transient, Self-Willed, Purposeful, Unyielding. Our collection contains 17 quotes who is written / told by Bram.

Related authors: Walt Whitman (Poet), Francis Ford Coppola (Director), Kevin J. Anderson (Author), George Alec Effinger (Author), Christopher Lee (Actor), Terence Fisher (Director)

17 Famous quotes by Bram Stoker

Small: Suddenly, I became conscious of the fact that the driver was in the act of pulling up the horses in the
"Suddenly, I became conscious of the fact that the driver was in the act of pulling up the horses in the courtyard of a vast ruined castle, from whose tall black windows came no ray of light, and whose broken battlements showed a jagged line against the sky"
Small: No man knows till he has suffered from the night how sweet and dear to his heart and eye the morning ca
"No man knows till he has suffered from the night how sweet and dear to his heart and eye the morning can be"
Small: It was like a miracle, but before our very eyes, and almost in the drawing of a breath, the whole body
"It was like a miracle, but before our very eyes, and almost in the drawing of a breath, the whole body crumbled into dust and passed from our sight"
Small: Before I left the castle I so fixed its entrances that never more can the Count enter there Undead
"Before I left the castle I so fixed its entrances that never more can the Count enter there Undead"
Small: Within, stood a tall old man, clean shaven save for a long white moustache, and clad in black from head
"Within, stood a tall old man, clean shaven save for a long white moustache, and clad in black from head to foot, without a single speck of colour about him anywhere"
Small: It is the eve of St. Georges Day. Do you not know that tonight, when the clock strikes midnight, all th
"It is the eve of St. George's Day. Do you not know that tonight, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway?"
Small: I saw the Count lying within the box upon the earth, some of which the rude falling from the cart had s
"I saw the Count lying within the box upon the earth, some of which the rude falling from the cart had scattered over him. He was deathly pale, just like a waxen image, and the red eyes glared with the horrible vindictive look which I knew so well"
Small: How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads to whom sleep is a blessing that come
"How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams"
Small: Whether it is the old ladys fear, or the many ghostly traditions of this place, or the crucifix itself,
"Whether it is the old lady's fear, or the many ghostly traditions of this place, or the crucifix itself, I do not know, but I am not feeling nearly as easy in my mind as usual"
Small: He may not enter anywhere at the first, unless there be some one of the household who bid him to come,
"He may not enter anywhere at the first, unless there be some one of the household who bid him to come, though afterwards he can come as he please"
Small: Count Dracula had directed me to go to the Golden Krone Hotel, which I found, to my great delight, to b
"Count Dracula had directed me to go to the Golden Krone Hotel, which I found, to my great delight, to be thoroughly old-fashioned, for of course I wanted to see all I could of the ways of the country"
Small: A house cannot be made habitable in a day and, after all, how few days go to make up a century
"A house cannot be made habitable in a day; and, after all, how few days go to make up a century"
Small: Let me be accurate in everything, for though you and I have seen some strange things together, you may
"Let me be accurate in everything, for though you and I have seen some strange things together, you may at the first think that I, Van Helsing, am mad. That the many horrors and the so long strain on nerves has at the last turn my brain"
Small: And so we remained till the red of the dawn began to fall through the snow gloom. I was desolate and af
"And so we remained till the red of the dawn began to fall through the snow gloom. I was desolate and afraid, and full of woe and terror. But when that beautiful sun began to climb the horizon life was to me again"
Small: There are such beings as vampires, some of us have evidence that they exist. Even had we not the proof
"There are such beings as vampires, some of us have evidence that they exist. Even had we not the proof of our own unhappy experience, the teachings and the records of the past give proof enough for sane peoples"
Small: There are mysteries which men can only guess at, which age by age they may solve only in part
"There are mysteries which men can only guess at, which age by age they may solve only in part"
Small: Despair has its own calms
"Despair has its own calms"