Facts about Jerry Lewis

BornMarch 16, 1926
Age98 years


Jerry Lewis is a famous Comedian from USA, he/she is 98 years old and still alive, born March 16, 1926.

He/she is born under the zodiac pisces, who is known for Fluctuation, Depth, Imagination, Reactive, Indecisive. Our collection contains 9 quotes who is written / told by Jerry.

Related authors: Dick Cavett (Entertainer), Dean Martin (Actor), Ed McMahon (Entertainer), Connie Stevens (Actress)

9 Famous quotes by Jerry Lewis

Small: A woman doing comedy doesnt offend me, but sets me back a bit. I, as a viewer, have trouble with it.
"A woman doing comedy doesn't offend me, but sets me back a bit. I, as a viewer, have trouble with it. I think of her as a producing machine that brings babies in the world"
Small: When I was onstage doing the work, adrenaline killed the pain because I never hurt in front of an audie
"When I was onstage doing the work, adrenaline killed the pain because I never hurt in front of an audience"
Small: People hate me because I am a multifaceted, talented, wealthy, internationally famous genius
"People hate me because I am a multifaceted, talented, wealthy, internationally famous genius"
Small: Were leaving the House to people who either were born with a silver spoon in their mouth... or couldnt
"We're leaving the House to people who either were born with a silver spoon in their mouth... or couldn't get better jobs in the first place"
Small: I get paid for what most kids get punished for
"I get paid for what most kids get punished for"
Small: Every mans dream is to be able to sink into the arms of a woman without also falling into her hands
"Every man's dream is to be able to sink into the arms of a woman without also falling into her hands"
Small: Ive had great success being a total idiot
"I've had great success being a total idiot"
Small: I am probably the most selfish man you will ever meet in your life. No one gets the satisfaction or the
"I am probably the most selfish man you will ever meet in your life. No one gets the satisfaction or the joy that I get out of seeing kids realize there is hope"
Small: Pity? You dont want to be pitied because youre a cripple in a wheelchair? Stay in your house!
"Pity? You don't want to be pitied because you're a cripple in a wheelchair? Stay in your house!"