Famous quote by John Dryden

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Forgiveness to the injured does belong but they neer pardon who have done wrong

"Forgiveness to the injured does belong; but they ne'er pardon who have done wrong"

- John Dryden

About this Quote

This quote by John Dryden talks with the importance of mercy, as well as the power it has to recover. He recommends that those that have been wronged should forgive, as it is their right to do so. However, he likewise recognizes that those who have actually done wrong are seldom forgiven. This is since it is challenging to forgive someone who has triggered damage, and also it can be difficult to move past the pain and also anger. Dryden's quote is a suggestion that mercy is an effective device, however it is not constantly very easy to provide. It is important to bear in mind that mercy is a choice, and it can be a difficult one to make. However, it can be a powerful method to recover and also move on.

About the Author

John Dryden This quote is written / told by John Dryden between August 9, 1631 and May 12, 1700. He was a famous Poet from England. The author also have 48 other quotes.

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