Famous quote by George Herbert

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Night is the mother of counsels

"Night is the mother of counsels"

- George Herbert

About this Quote

This quote by George Herbert is a reminder that taking the time to reflect and think deeply can result in smart choices. Evening is often associated with stillness and peaceful, and Herbert is recommending that this stillness can be a source of insight and knowledge. He is motivating us to put in the time to stop briefly and assess our decisions, rather than rushing into them. By making the effort to think deeply and carefully, we can get a much better understanding of our situation and make more informed decisions. Herbert is also recommending that the darkness of night can be a source of comfort and solace, permitting us to find clearness and assurance. In this way, night can be a source of counsel and assistance, helping us to make smart choices.

About the Author

George Herbert This quote is written / told by George Herbert between April 3, 1593 and March 1, 1633. He was a famous Poet from United Kingdom. The author also have 44 other quotes.

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