Famous quote by Ludwig Wittgenstein

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Not every religion has to have St. Augustines attitude to sex. Why even in our culture marriages are celebrated in a chu

"Not every religion has to have St. Augustine's attitude to sex. Why even in our culture marriages are celebrated in a church, everyone present knows what is going to happen that night, but that doesn't prevent it being a religious ceremony"

- Ludwig Wittgenstein

About this Quote

In this quote, Wittgenstein challenges the idea that every religious beliefs requires to adopt St. Augustine's negative attitude towards sex. He recommends that even in our own culture, wedding happen in spiritual settings, and those in presence are aware of the sexual nature of the approaching events. However, this does not diminish the significance or spiritual nature of the ceremony. This might imply that sexuality and religion can exist side-by-side, and that concepts about sexuality don't necessarily have to be negative in order to be effective. Wittgenstein's words encourage a more inclusive and accepting approach to sexuality within religious and cultural practices.

About the Author

Ludwig Wittgenstein This quote is written / told by Ludwig Wittgenstein between April 26, 1889 and April 29, 1951. He was a famous Philosopher from Austria. The author also have 47 other quotes.

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