Famous quote by Benjamin Disraeli

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Read no history: nothing but biography, for that is life without theory

"Read no history: nothing but biography, for that is life without theory"

- Benjamin Disraeli

About this Quote

This quote by Benjamin Disraeli urges viewers to focus on biographies rather than background. He suggests that biographies are better than history since they offer a more exact depiction of life. By reviewing bios, viewers can get insight into the lives of genuine individuals and also find out about their experiences without the interference of academic interpretations. Disraeli's quote indicates that history can be prejudiced and also unreliable, as it is commonly created by historians who have their own analyses of events. Biographies, on the various other hand, supply a more truthful and also precise account of life, as they are composed by individuals that have actually experienced the occasions firsthand. Disraeli's quote motivates readers to concentrate on biographies in order to get a better understanding of life as well as the people that have actually lived it.

About the Author

Benjamin Disraeli This quote is written / told by Benjamin Disraeli between December 21, 1804 and April 19, 1881. He was a famous Statesman from United Kingdom. The author also have 113 other quotes.

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