Famous quote by John Dryden

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Seek not to know what must not be reveal, for joy only flows where fate is most concealed. A busy person would find thei

"Seek not to know what must not be reveal, for joy only flows where fate is most concealed. A busy person would find their sorrows much more; if future fortunes were known before!"

- John Dryden

About this Quote

This quote by John Dryden is a reminder to not seek out understanding that is not suggested to be revealed. He is recommending that happiness is found when fate is kept a trick. He is also recommending that a hectic individual would be much better off not knowing their future fortunes, as it would only bring them more grief. This quote is a suggestion to be content with the present and to not stress over the future. It is a pointer to delight in the present moment and to not look for understanding that is not meant to be exposed. It is a suggestion to trust in fate and to not try to control the future. It is a pointer to be content with what is and to not fret about what might be.

About the Author

John Dryden This quote is written / told by John Dryden between August 9, 1631 and May 12, 1700. He was a famous Poet from England. The author also have 48 other quotes.

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