Famous quote by Terence

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Human nature is so constituted, that all see and judge better in the affairs of other men than in their own

"Human nature is so constituted, that all see and judge better in the affairs of other men than in their own"

- Terence

About this Quote

This quote by Terence speaks to the concept that human beings are often better at judging the actions of besides they are at judging their own. This is likely due to the truth that we are often too close to our own lives to be able to objectively evaluate our own decisions and actions. We are too emotionally invested in our own lives to be able to step back and look at our choices with a vital eye. On the other hand, when it pertains to the lives of others, we have the ability to look at their choices and actions with a more objective eye, enabling us to make much better judgments. This quote talks to the concept that people are frequently better at judging the actions of others than they are at judging their own, most likely due to the truth that we are too near to our own lives to be able to objectively examine our own choices and actions.

About the Author

Terence This quote is written / told by Terence between 185 BC and 159 BC. He was a famous Playwright from Rome. The author also have 33 other quotes.

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