Famous quote by Virginia Woolf

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Mental fight means thinking against the current, not with it. It is our business to puncture gas bags and discover the s

"Mental fight means thinking against the current, not with it. It is our business to puncture gas bags and discover the seeds of truth"

- Virginia Woolf

About this Quote

This quote by Virginia Woolf encourages us to believe independently and challenge the status quo. Woolf is suggesting that we must not simply accept the ideas and viewpoints of others, but rather believe for ourselves and question the accepted facts. She is motivating us to be important thinkers and to look beyond the surface area of what is being stated. By piercing the "gas bags" of accepted realities, we can find the seeds of reality that lie beneath. Woolf is suggesting that we ought to not hesitate to think in a different way and challenge the current of accepted concepts. By doing so, we can reveal the reality and get a deeper understanding of the world around us.

About the Author

Virginia Woolf This quote is written / told by Virginia Woolf between January 25, 1882 and March 28, 1941. She was a famous Author from United Kingdom. The author also have 73 other quotes.

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