Famous quote by Cicero

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There are more men ennobled by study than by nature

"There are more men ennobled by study than by nature"

- Cicero

About this Quote

This quote by Cicero is a reminder that understanding and hard work can be more beneficial than natural talent. It suggests that those who put in the effort to learn and study can achieve more than those who rely exclusively on their natural abilities. This is an essential message, as it encourages people to strive for excellence and to not be prevented by their absence of natural skill. It also implies that understanding is a better asset than natural presents, as it can be acquired and honed over time. This quote is a tip that effort and commitment can result in success, no matter one's natural capabilities. It motivates people to strive for achievement and to never ever give up on their dreams.

About the Author

Cicero This quote is written / told by Cicero between 106 BC and 43 BC. He was a famous Philosopher from Rome. The author also have 129 other quotes.

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