Lie Quotes

Welcome to the globe of lies! Below you will certainly find a collection of one of the most typical lies people tell, in addition to the reasons they do it. Whether it's to safeguard themselves, to make themselves look much better, or to leave a sticky scenario, lies belong of everyday life. Read on for more information about the various kinds of lies, why individuals inform them, and how to spot them. With this expertise, you can end up being a far better judge of personality and also make far better decisions in your own life.
Small: A good portion of speaking will consist in knowing how to lie
"A good portion of speaking will consist in knowing how to lie"
Desiderius Erasmus, Philosopher
Small: A man who will not lie to a woman has very little consideration for her feelings
Olin Miller
"A man who will not lie to a woman has very little consideration for her feelings"
Olin Miller, Writer
Small: Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it
Adolf Hitler
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it"
Adolf Hitler, Criminal
Small: Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summers day, listening to the murmur
"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time"
John Lubbock, Statesman
Small: Economy does not lie in sparing money, but in spending it wisely
Thomas Huxley
"Economy does not lie in sparing money, but in spending it wisely"
Thomas Huxley, Scientist
Small: Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth
Pablo Picasso
"Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth"
Pablo Picasso, Artist
Small: One may sometimes tell a lie, but the grimace that accompanies it tells the truth
Friedrich Nietzsche
"One may sometimes tell a lie, but the grimace that accompanies it tells the truth"
Friedrich Nietzsche, Philosopher
Small: Music doesnt lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music
Jimi Hendrix
"Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music"
Jimi Hendrix, Musician
Small: The law condemns and punishes only actions within certain definite and narrow limits it thereby justifies, in
Leo Tolstoy
"The law condemns and punishes only actions within certain definite and narrow limits; it thereby justifies, in a way, all similar actions that lie outside those limits"
Leo Tolstoy, Novelist
Small: Happiness does not lie in happiness, but in the achievement of it
Fyodor Dostoevsky
"Happiness does not lie in happiness, but in the achievement of it"
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Novelist
Small: I have never seasoned a truth with the sauce of a lie in order to digest it more easily
"I have never seasoned a truth with the sauce of a lie in order to digest it more easily"
Marguerite Yourcenar, Novelist
Small: I never lie because I dont fear anyone. You only lie when youre afraid
"I never lie because I don't fear anyone. You only lie when you're afraid"
John Gotti, Criminal
Small: The most common lie is that which one lies to himself lying to others is relatively an exception
Friedrich Nietzsche
"The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception"
Friedrich Nietzsche, Philosopher
Small: The lie is a condition of life
Friedrich Nietzsche
"The lie is a condition of life"
Friedrich Nietzsche, Philosopher
Small: We all know that art is not truth. Art is lie that makes us realise truth
Pablo Picasso
"We all know that art is not truth. Art is lie that makes us realise truth"
Pablo Picasso, Artist
Small: Those in possession of absolute power can not only prophesy and make their prophecies come true, but they can
Eric Hoffer
"Those in possession of absolute power can not only prophesy and make their prophecies come true, but they can also lie and make their lies come true"
Eric Hoffer, Writer
Small: The tombstone is about the only thing that can stand upright and lie on its face at the same time
Mary Wilson Little
"The tombstone is about the only thing that can stand upright and lie on its face at the same time"
Mary Wilson Little, Writer
Small: If you talk to the Whites in Mississippi they will tell you, You can go to any school you want to we dont see
"If you talk to the Whites in Mississippi they will tell you, 'You can go to any school you want to; we don't see race.' Biggest lie ever told"
Bennie Thompson, Politician
Small: Lie down and listen to the crabgrass grow The faucet leak, and learn to leave them so
"Lie down and listen to the crabgrass grow The faucet leak, and learn to leave them so"
Marya Mannes, Journalist
Small: Very simple ideas lie within the reach only of complex minds
"Very simple ideas lie within the reach only of complex minds"
Remy de Gourmont, Novelist
Small: Ive never heard of anybody smoking a joint and going on a rampage. It makes you lie around on the floor and lo
"I've never heard of anybody smoking a joint and going on a rampage. It makes you lie around on the floor and look at the ceiling. What's wrong with that?"
Billy Bob Thornton, Actor
Small: Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
"Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle"
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Author
Small: A lie has no leg, but a scandal has wings
Thomas Fuller
"A lie has no leg, but a scandal has wings"
Thomas Fuller, Clergyman
Small: The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf wont get much sleep
Woody Allen
"The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep"
Woody Allen, Director
Small: As the builders say, the larger stones do not lie well without the lesser
"As the builders say, the larger stones do not lie well without the lesser"
Plato, Philosopher
Small: A fact never went into partnership with a miracle. Truth scorns the assistance of wonders. A fact will fit eve
Robert G. Ingersoll
"A fact never went into partnership with a miracle. Truth scorns the assistance of wonders. A fact will fit every other fact in the universe, and that is how you can tell whether it is or is not a fact. A lie will not fit anything except another lie"
Robert G. Ingersoll, Lawyer
Small: A lie told often enough becomes the truth
Vladimir Lenin
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth"
Vladimir Lenin, Leader
Small: Never was it given to mortal man - To lie so boldly as we women can
Alexander Pope
"Never was it given to mortal man - To lie so boldly as we women can"
Alexander Pope, Poet
Small: Theres only two people in your life you should lie to... the police and your girlfriend
Jack Nicholson
"There's only two people in your life you should lie to... the police and your girlfriend"
Jack Nicholson, Actor
Small: A lie is just a great story that someone ruined with the truth
Barney Stinson
"A lie is just a great story that someone ruined with the truth"
Barney Stinson, Actor
Small: I sometimes lie awake at night trying to think of something funny that Richard Nixon said
"I sometimes lie awake at night trying to think of something funny that Richard Nixon said"
Lyn Nofziger
Small: The truest expression of a people is in its dances and its music. Bodies never lie
"The truest expression of a people is in its dances and its music. Bodies never lie"
Agnes de Mille, Dancer
Small: A lie would have no sense unless the truth were felt dangerous
"A lie would have no sense unless the truth were felt dangerous"
Alfred Adler, Psychologist
Small: A German is someone who cannot tell a lie without believing it himself
"A German is someone who cannot tell a lie without believing it himself"
Theodor Adorno, Philosopher
Small: I never lie. I believe everything I say, so its not a lie
Mark Wahlberg
"I never lie. I believe everything I say, so it's not a lie"
Mark Wahlberg, Actor
Small: I never quite understood these actors - though I envy them sometimes - who can lie out for a year or two.
"I never quite understood these actors - though I envy them sometimes - who can lie out for a year or two. I feel as though time is a real pressing issue, and I want to get as much work done in the time that I have left"
Sylvester Stallone, Actor
Small: Abortion and racism are evil twins, born of the same lie. Where racism now hides its face in public, abortion
Alveda King
"Abortion and racism are evil twins, born of the same lie. Where racism now hides its face in public, abortion is accomplishing the goals of which racism only once dreamed. Together, abortionists are destroying humanity at large and the black community in particular"
Alveda King, Clergyman
Small: A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on
"A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on"
James Callaghan, Leader
Small: Guilt always hurries towards its complement, punishment only there does its satisfaction lie
"Guilt always hurries towards its complement, punishment; only there does its satisfaction lie"
Lawrence Durrell, Writer
Small: The claim that the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked because fundamentalists hate our prosperi
"The claim that the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked because fundamentalists hate our prosperity and freedom is a ridiculous lie"
L. Neil Smith, Writer
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