Prison Quotes

Welcome to Prison Quotes, the ultimate source for all your preferred quotes from the world of prisons. Here you will discover quotes from prisoners, correctional officers, and various other prison workers, along with quotes from famous writers, political leaders, and also stars. Whether you are searching for ideas, inspiration, or simply a good laugh, you will locate it below. So take a look around as well as locate the ideal quote to share with your loved ones.
Small: Taught from infancy that beauty is womans sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its g
Mary Wollstonecraft
"Taught from infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison"
Mary Wollstonecraft, Writer
Small: He who opens a school door, closes a prison
Victor Hugo
"He who opens a school door, closes a prison"
Victor Hugo, Author
Small: When the prison doors are opened, the real dragon will fly out
Ho Chi Minh
"When the prison doors are opened, the real dragon will fly out"
Ho Chi Minh, Revolutionary
Small: I prayed to dispel my fear, until suddenly, and I do not know how the idea came to me, I began to pray for oth
Corrie Ten Boom
"I prayed to dispel my fear, until suddenly, and I do not know how the idea came to me, I began to pray for others. I prayed for everyone who came into my thoughts - - people with whom I had traveled, those who had been in prison with me, my school friends of years ago. I do not know how long I continued my prayer, but this I do know - - my fear was gone! Interceding for others had released me!"
Corrie Ten Boom, Celebrity
Small: Some artists imagine theyve got a hold on this apparatus, which in fact has got a hold of them. As a result, t
"Some artists imagine they've got a hold on this apparatus, which in fact has got a hold of them. As a result, they end up supporting a cultural prison that is out of their control"
Robert Smithson, Artist
Small: You stuff somebody into the American dream, and it becomes a prison
"You stuff somebody into the American dream, and it becomes a prison"
Craig L. Thomas, Politician
Small: I am an expert of electricity. My father occupied the chair of applied electricity at the state prison
"I am an expert of electricity. My father occupied the chair of applied electricity at the state prison"
W. C. Fields, Comedian
Small: He that is taken and put into prison or chains is not conquered, though overcome for he is still an enemy
"He that is taken and put into prison or chains is not conquered, though overcome; for he is still an enemy"
Thomas Hobbes, Philosopher
Small: I think for Beecher specifically, Keller was with him when his wife died. Beecher had decided after he first g
"I think for Beecher specifically, Keller was with him when his wife died. Beecher had decided after he first got into prison that he had to shut off everybody. You can't let anybody in and you have to become like them and you have to be threatening and all that"
Lee Tergesen, Actor
Small: Questions are a burden to others answers are a prison for oneself
"Questions are a burden to others; answers are a prison for oneself"
Patrick McGoohan, Actor
Small: Nelson Mandela and Malcolm X came out of prison stronger
"Nelson Mandela and Malcolm X came out of prison stronger"
Philip Emeagwali, Scientist
Small: Although I wasnt able to get a visa for Vietnam, I was able to talk with swift boat veterans to get a feel for
"Although I wasn't able to get a visa for Vietnam, I was able to talk with swift boat veterans to get a feel for the time and place, and I visited a tropical prison in the Philippines to get a sense of what a Vietnamese prison might have been like"
Tony Hillerman, Author
Small: And why do we, who say we oppose tyranny and demand freedom of speech, allow people to go to prison and be vil
"And why do we, who say we oppose tyranny and demand freedom of speech, allow people to go to prison and be vilified, and magazines to be closed down on the spot, for suggesting another version of history"
David Icke, Athlete
Small: And I did wonder - because its now three years ago since I left prison - whether there would come a time when
"And I did wonder - because it's now three years ago since I left prison - whether there would come a time when I would forget it, or it would be in the past as anything else might be - no, it's there every day of my life"
Jeffrey Archer, Politician
Small: Sixty per cent of people entering prison today are illiterate
"Sixty per cent of people entering prison today are illiterate"
Jeffrey Archer, Politician
Small: The candle burns not for us, but for all those whom we failed to rescue from prison, who were shot on the way
"The candle burns not for us, but for all those whom we failed to rescue from prison, who were shot on the way to prison, who were tortured, who were kidnapped, who "disappeared". That's what the candle is for"
Peter Benenson, Lawyer
Small: We have initiated programs for re-entry offenders, since some 500,000 to 600,000 offenders will come out of pr
"We have initiated programs for re-entry offenders, since some 500,000 to 600,000 offenders will come out of prison each year for the next three or four years. We want to have positive alternatives when they come back to the community"
Janet Reno, Public Servant
Small: I never thought about becoming a politician. But during the military dictatorship, my grandfather was put in p
"I never thought about becoming a politician. But during the military dictatorship, my grandfather was put in prison six times and my father twice. If my family and my country didn't have this history, I might be a professor somewhere today"
Georgios A. Papandreou, Politician
Small: Its up to us, the people, to break immoral laws, and resist. As soon as the leaders of a country lie to you, t
"It's up to us, the people, to break immoral laws, and resist. As soon as the leaders of a country lie to you, they have no authority over you. These maniacs have no authority over us. And they might be able to put our bodies in prison, but they can't put our spirits in prison"
Cindy Sheehan, Activist
Small: A Sunday school is a prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents
H. L. Mencken
"A Sunday school is a prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents"
H. L. Mencken, Writer
Small: One of the many lessons that one learns in prison is, that things are what they are and will be what they will
Oscar Wilde
"One of the many lessons that one learns in prison is, that things are what they are and will be what they will be"
Oscar Wilde, Dramatist
Small: Nothing can be more abhorrent to democracy than to imprison a person or keep him in prison because he is unpop
Winston Churchill
"Nothing can be more abhorrent to democracy than to imprison a person or keep him in prison because he is unpopular. This is really the test of civilization"
Winston Churchill, Statesman
Small: If you want total security, go to prison. There youre fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thi
Dwight D. Eisenhower
"If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom"
Dwight D. Eisenhower, President
Small: One should respect public opinion insofar as is necessary to avoid starvation and keep out of prison, but anyt
Bertrand Russell
"One should respect public opinion insofar as is necessary to avoid starvation and keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny"
Bertrand Russell, Philosopher
Small: In my country we go to prison first and then become President
Nelson Mandela
"In my country we go to prison first and then become President"
Nelson Mandela, Statesman
Small: It is all one to me if a man comes from Sing Sing Prison or Harvard. We hire a man, not his history
"It is all one to me if a man comes from Sing Sing Prison or Harvard. We hire a man, not his history"
Malcolm Forbes, Publisher
Small: Prosecution I have managed to avoid but I have been arrested, charged in a police court, have refused to be bo
"Prosecution I have managed to avoid; but I have been arrested, charged in a police court, have refused to be bound over, and thereupon have been unconditionally released - to my great regret; for I have always wanted to know what going to prison was like"
Laurence Housman, Playwright
Small: Once we are destined to live out our lives in the prison of our mind, our duty is to furnish it well
Peter Ustinov
"Once we are destined to live out our lives in the prison of our mind, our duty is to furnish it well"
Peter Ustinov, Actor
Small: The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they might originally project, hav
Nathaniel Hawthorne
"The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they might originally project, have invariably recognized it among their earliest practical necessities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery, and another portion as the site of a prison"
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Novelist
Small: When I was in prison, I was wrapped up in all those deep books. That Tolstoy crap - people shouldnt read that
Mike Tyson
"When I was in prison, I was wrapped up in all those deep books. That Tolstoy crap - people shouldn't read that stuff"
Mike Tyson, Athlete
Small: Destiny is the prison and chain of the ignorant. Understand that destiny like the water of the Nile: Water bef
Muhammad Iqbal
"Destiny is the prison and chain of the ignorant. Understand that destiny like the water of the Nile: Water before the faithful, blood before the unbeliever"
Muhammad Iqbal, Poet
Small: Blake said that the body was the souls prison unless the five senses are fully developed and open. He consider
"Blake said that the body was the soul's prison unless the five senses are fully developed and open. He considered the senses the 'windows of the soul.' When sex involves all the senses intensely, it can be like a mystical experence"
Jim Morrison, Musician
Small: If Id written all the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people - including me - would be rotting
"If I'd written all the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people - including me - would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism"
Hunter S. Thompson, Journalist
Small: America is the land of the second chance - and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead t
George W. Bush
"America is the land of the second chance - and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life"
George W. Bush, President
Small: The Stanford prison experiment came out of class exercises in which I encouraged students to understand the dy
"The Stanford prison experiment came out of class exercises in which I encouraged students to understand the dynamics of prison life"
Philip Zimbardo, Psychologist
Small: A pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined space
"A pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined space"
Gloria Steinem, Activist
Small: On a planet that increasingly resembles one huge Maximum Security prison, the only intelligent choice is to pl
"On a planet that increasingly resembles one huge Maximum Security prison, the only intelligent choice is to plan a jail break"
Robert Anton Wilson, Writer
Small: Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imm
Germaine Greer
"Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release"
Germaine Greer, Activist
Small: I know what its like to be ignored, and I think that is the big problem about the prison system: These people
"I know what it's like to be ignored, and I think that is the big problem about the prison system: These people are being thrown away. There is no sense of rehabilitation. In some places, they are trying to do things. But, in most cases, it's a holding cell"
Lee Tergesen, Actor
Small: Being here feels like Im out of prison. This is the right place, the right time, the right team
Shaquille O'Neal
"Being here feels like I'm out of prison. This is the right place, the right time, the right team"
Shaquille O'Neal, Athlete
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