Enemy Quotes

Invite to Enemy Quotes, the utmost resource for the most powerful and motivating quotes from your favorite opponents. Below you will discover quotes from adversaries of all kinds, from one of the most infamous bad guys to the most cherished anti-heroes. Whether you're seeking a quote to encourage you in your darkest hr or to give you a laugh, you'll find it below. So come discover the globe of opponents and discover the best quote to reveal your feelings.
Small: Time is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre
Warren Buffett
"Time is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre"
Warren Buffett, Businessman
Small: Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty
Ronald Reagan
"Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty"
Ronald Reagan, President
Small: In order to rally people, governments need enemies... if they do not have a real enemy, they will invent one i
Nhat Hanh
"In order to rally people, governments need enemies... if they do not have a real enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us"
Nhat Hanh, Activist
Small: The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy
Friedrich Nietzsche
"The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy"
Friedrich Nietzsche, Philosopher
Small: The chief enemy of creativity is good sense
Pablo Picasso
"The chief enemy of creativity is "good" sense"
Pablo Picasso, Artist
Small: Man has no greater enemy than himself
"Man has no greater enemy than himself"
Petrarch, Poet
Small: Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future
Adolf Hitler
"Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future"
Adolf Hitler, Criminal
Small: You can learn from anyone even your enemy
"You can learn from anyone even your enemy"
Ovid, Poet
Small: I dont know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but, by God, they frighten me
Duke of Wellington
"I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but, by God, they frighten me"
Duke of Wellington, Royalty
Small: Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake
Napoleon Bonaparte
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake"
Napoleon Bonaparte, Leader
Small: Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy
Isaac Newton
"Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy"
Isaac Newton, Mathematician
Small: We had no more courage than Harriet Tubman or Marcus Garvey had in their times. We just had a more vulnerable
Stokely Carmichael
"We had no more courage than Harriet Tubman or Marcus Garvey had in their times. We just had a more vulnerable enemy"
Stokely Carmichael, Activist
Small: Despise the enemy strategically, but take him seriously tactically
"Despise the enemy strategically, but take him seriously tactically"
Mao Tse-Tung, Leader
Small: Secrecy is the enemy of efficiency, but dont let anyone know it
"Secrecy is the enemy of efficiency, but don't let anyone know it"
Ric Ocasek, Musician
Small: Every educated person is a future enemy
"Every educated person is a future enemy"
Martin Bormann, Soldier
Small: History shows that no enemy remains hostile forever, nor do friends remain friendly forever. For that reason,
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
"History shows that no enemy remains hostile forever, nor do friends remain friendly forever. For that reason, we intend to have normal relations with all"
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, Statesman
Small: When the principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then the battle is your ca
"When the principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then the battle is your calling, and peace has become sin. You must at the price of dearest peace lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy with all the fire of your faith"
Abraham Kuyper, Theologian
Small: Go up close to your friend, but do not go over to him! We should also respect the enemy in our friend
Friedrich Nietzsche
"Go up close to your friend, but do not go over to him! We should also respect the enemy in our friend"
Friedrich Nietzsche, Philosopher
Small: A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled one is truly vanquished
Friedrich Schiller
"A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled one is truly vanquished"
Friedrich Schiller, Dramatist
Small: The press is the enemy
Richard M. Nixon
"The press is the enemy"
Richard M. Nixon, President
Small: The greatest friend of truth is Time, her greatest enemy is Prejudice, and her constant companion is Humility
Charles Caleb Colton
"The greatest friend of truth is Time, her greatest enemy is Prejudice, and her constant companion is Humility"
Charles Caleb Colton, Writer
Small: Its far easier to forgive an enemy after youve got even with him
Olin Miller
"It's far easier to forgive an enemy after you've got even with him"
Olin Miller, Writer
Small: One enemy can do more hurt than ten friends can do good
Jonathan Swift
"One enemy can do more hurt than ten friends can do good"
Jonathan Swift, Writer
Small: He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression for if he violates this d
Thomas Paine
"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself"
Thomas Paine, Writer
Small: If people think nature is their friend, then they sure dont need an enemy
Kurt Vonnegut
"If people think nature is their friend, then they sure don't need an enemy"
Kurt Vonnegut, Author
Small: I dont have a warm personal enemy left. Theyve all died off. I miss them terribly because they helped define m
Clare Boothe Luce
"I don't have a warm personal enemy left. They've all died off. I miss them terribly because they helped define me"
Clare Boothe Luce, Dramatist
Small: In times of rapid change, experience could be your worst enemy
J. Paul Getty
"In times of rapid change, experience could be your worst enemy"
J. Paul Getty, Businessman
Small: Action is consolatory. It is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering illusions
"Action is consolatory. It is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering illusions"
Joseph Conrad, Novelist
Small: He that is taken and put into prison or chains is not conquered, though overcome for he is still an enemy
"He that is taken and put into prison or chains is not conquered, though overcome; for he is still an enemy"
Thomas Hobbes, Philosopher
Small: Courage and conviction are powerful weapons against an enemy who depends only on fists or guns. Animals know w
"Courage and conviction are powerful weapons against an enemy who depends only on fists or guns. Animals know when you are afraid; a coward knows when you are not"
David Seabury, Psychologist
Small: The McCarthy boys, at the proper moment, gave orders to fire upon the advancing enemy
Buffalo Bill
"The McCarthy boys, at the proper moment, gave orders to fire upon the advancing enemy"
Buffalo Bill, Celebrity
Small: Nothing is more dangerous than a friend without discretion even a prudent enemy is preferable
Jean de La Fontaine
"Nothing is more dangerous than a friend without discretion; even a prudent enemy is preferable"
Jean de La Fontaine, Poet
Small: Nothing is as dangerous as an ignorant friend a wise enemy is to be preferred
Jean de La Fontaine
"Nothing is as dangerous as an ignorant friend; a wise enemy is to be preferred"
Jean de La Fontaine, Poet
Small: Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster
Sun Tzu
"Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster"
Sun Tzu, Philosopher
Small: It is best to do things systematically, since we are only human, and disorder is our worst enemy
"It is best to do things systematically, since we are only human, and disorder is our worst enemy"
Hesiod, Poet
Small: Its about not letting the internal enemy, the real enemy, have his way because the more he does the stronger h
"It's about not letting the internal enemy, the real enemy, have his way because the more he does the stronger he becomes. The film's about the devastating results that can manifest from the internal enemy being unbridled and allowed to unleash chaos"
Guy Ritchie, Director
Small: The idea is that that there is no such thing as an external enemy
"The idea is that that there is no such thing as an external enemy"
Guy Ritchie, Director
Small: The body of a dead enemy always smells sweet
"The body of a dead enemy always smells sweet"
Titus Flavius Vespasian, Royalty
Small: Firstly you must always implicitly obey orders, without attempting to form any opinion of your own regarding t
Horatio Nelson
"Firstly you must always implicitly obey orders, without attempting to form any opinion of your own regarding their propriety. Secondly, you must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your king; and thirdly you must hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil"
Horatio Nelson, Soldier
Small: When a Piece or Pawn is in a situation to be taken by the enemy, it is said to be en prise. To put a piece en
"When a Piece or Pawn is in a situation to be taken by the enemy, it is said to be en prise. To put a piece en prise, is to play it so that it may be captured"
Howard Staunton, Celebrity
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