History Works  (page 4)

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Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son (1902) by Bruce Barton
Letters from a Stoic (65) by Seneca
Letters to a Young Scientist (2013) by E. O. Wilson
Letters to Several Persons of Honour (1651) by John Donne
Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (1796) by Mary Wollstonecraft
Liberation Management (1992) by Tom Peters
Life and Habit (1877) by Samuel Butler
Life's Great Questions (2015) by Jean Vanier
Lilly Dawson (1847) by Catherine Crowe
Lincoln Unbound: How an Ambitious Young Railsplitter Saved the American Dream - and How We Can Do It Again (2013) by Rich Lowry
Linda McCartney's Sixties: Portrait of an Era (1992) by Linda McCartney
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great (1894) by Elbert Hubbard
Little, Little, and Big, and Little, Little Uncle Tom (1898) by Mary Wilson Little
Live or Die (1966) by Anne Sexton
Live to Win! (1991) by Victor Kiam
Lloyd George: A Biography (1963) by John Grigg
Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology (1983) by Clifford Geertz
Logically Fallacious (2012) by Bo Bennett
Loiterings of Travel (1840) by Nathaniel Parker Willis
London (1738) by Samuel Johnson
Look, Stranger! (1936) by W. H. Auden
Lord Byron and Some of His Contemporaries (1828) by Leigh Hunt
Los cuadernos del destierro (1960) by Rafael Cadenas
Lost Illusions (1837) by Honore de Balzac
Love and Friendship (1993) by Allan Bloom
Love and Louis XIV: The Women in the Life of the Sun King (2006) by Antonia Fraser
Love is a Dog From Hell (1977) by Charles Bukowski
Love Poems (1969) by Anne Sexton
Love, Death, and the Changing of the Seasons (1986) by Marilyn Hacker
Loving Through Heartsongs (2003) by Mattie Stepanek
Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy (1886) by Friedrich Engels
Luniolatry: Ancient and Modern (1887) by Gerald Massey
Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life (1978) by Sissela Bok
Lyrical Ballads (1798) by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Lyrical Ballads (1798) by William Wordsworth
Madame Bovary (1857) by Gustave Flaubert
Madame de Longueville: A Historical Biography (1853) by Victor Cousin
Madoc: A Mystery (1990) by Paul Muldoon
Maggot (2010) by Paul Muldoon
Main Street Merchant (1948) by James Cash Penney
Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis (1986) by Wendy Cope
Male and Female (1949) by Margaret Mead
Man and Crisis, Tiny Man and Crisis (1958) by Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Man, Woman and Child (1980) by Erich Segal
Manalive (1912) by Gilbert K. Chesterton
Manifesto of Surrealism (1924) by Andre Breton
Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race (1942) by Ashley Montagu
Man's Place in Nature (1863) by Thomas Huxley
Mansfield Park (1814) by Jane Austen
Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1801-1844 (1968) by Brigham Young
Marcian Colonna (1820) by Barry Cornwall
Maria Callas and Aristotle Onassis: A Secret Affair (2000) by Anne Edwards
Maria; or, The Wrongs of Woman (1798) by Mary Wollstonecraft
Marie Antoinette: The Journey (2001) by Antonia Fraser
Marxism and the National Question (1913) by Joseph Stalin
Marxism: Is It Science? (1940) by Max Eastman
Mary Kay (1981) by Mary Kay Ash
Mary Kay on People Management (1984) by Mary Kay Ash
Mary Kay: You Can Have It All (1995) by Mary Kay Ash
Mary Rose (1920) by James M. Barrie
Mary, Queen of Scots (1969) by Antonia Fraser
Mathematics, Matter and Method (1975) by Hilary Putnam
Maud (1855) by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Maurice (1971) by E. M. Forster
May-Day and Other Pieces (1867) by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mayhew's Illustrated Horse Doctor (1860) by Henry Mayhew
Meaning and the Moral Sciences (1978) by Hilary Putnam
Measuring the Universe: And the Quest for Dark Energy (2011) by Saul Perlmutter
Medicamina Faciei Femineae (-25) by Ovid
Meditations on Quixote (1914) by Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Meeting the British, Tiny Meeting the British (1987) by Paul Muldoon
Mein Kampf, Tiny Mein Kampf (1925) by Adolf Hitler
Meister Eckhart: Sermons and Treatises (1987) by Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart: Teacher and Preacher (1986) by Meister Eckhart
Melomaniacs (1902) by James Huneker
Memoirs of Captain Rock (1824) by Thomas Moore
Memorial Tablet (1919) by Siegfried Sassoon
Memories (1911) by Fridtjof Nansen
Memory of Fire (1982) by Eduardo Galeano
Men and Women (1855) by Robert Browning
Men and Women of the Corporation (1977) by Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Men of Invention and Industry (1884) by Samuel Smiles
Mencius (-372) by Confucius
Meno (-380) by Plato
Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama Bin Laden (2005) by Osama bin Laden
Metamorphoses (-8) by Ovid
Metaphysics (-350) by Aristotle
Mi último adiós (1896) by Jose Rizal
Micromegas (1752) by Voltaire
Middle Class Blues (1992) by Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Middlemarch (1871) by George Eliot
Milton: A Poem in Two Books (1804) by William Blake
Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life (1951) by Theodor Adorno
Miracles Happen: The Life and Timeless Principles of the Founder of Mary Kay Inc. (2003) by Mary Kay Ash
Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone (2008) by Eduardo Galeano
Miscellaneous Thoughts and Maxims (1678) by Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Misir Ali (1987) by Humayun Ahmed
Miss Kilmansegg and Her Precious Leg (1840) by Thomas Hood
Missing Up (2015) by Pam Brown
Mobituaries: Great Lives Worth Reliving (2019) by Mo Rocca
Monarch of Deadman Bay: The Life and Death of a Kodiak Bear (1969) by Roger Caras
Money: Master the Game (2014) by Tony Robbins
Monsieur Teste (1919) by Paul Valery
Montage of a Dream Deferred (1951) by Langston Hughes
Moralia (100) by Plutarch
More Animals (1920) by Oliver Herford
More letters of Charles Darwin (1903) by Francis Darwin
More Marilyn: Some Like It Bright! (1994) by Marilyn vos Savant
Mosaic (1946) by Stanislaw Lec
Mosses from an Old Manse (1846) by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Motherhood: The Second Oldest Profession (1983) by Erma Bombeck
Mountain Interval (1916) by Robert Frost
Mountain Light: In Search of the Dynamic Landscape (1986) by Galen Rowell
Move (2015) by Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Moving Forward (1930) by Henry Ford
Moy Sand and Gravel (2002) by Paul Muldoon
Mr. Mike: The Life and Work of Michael O'Donoghue, the Man Who Made Comedy Dangerous (1998) by Michael O'Donoghue
Mrs. Dalloway (1925) by Virginia Woolf
Mūlamadhyamakakārikā (150) by Nagarjuna
Mules (1977) by Paul Muldoon
Musophilus (1599) by Samuel Daniel
My Dog May Be a Genius (2008) by Jack Prelutsky
My Life and Work (1922) by Henry Ford
My Little Book of Life (1912) by Muriel Strode
My Steve (2007) by Steve Irwin
My Years with General Motors (1963) by Alfred P. Sloan
Nadja (1928) by Andre Breton
Names (2010) by Marilyn Hacker
Naming and Necessity (1980) by Saul Kripke
Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation (1992) by K. Eric Drexler
Napoleon: A Poem (1814) by Charles Caleb Colton
Napoleon's Military Maxims (1831) by Napoleon Bonaparte
Native Son (1940) by Richard Wright
Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance (1941) by Max Born
Nature (1836) by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Negara: The Theatre State in Nineteenth-Century Bali (1980) by Clifford Geertz
Negative Dialectics (1966) by Theodor Adorno
Nemean Odes (-500) by Pindar
Neues Organon (1764) by Johann Heinrich Lambert
Never Alone: Prison, Politics, and My People (2020) by Natan Sharansky
New Hampshire (1923) by Robert Frost
New Weather (1973) by Paul Muldoon
Nicomachean Ethics (-340) by Aristotle
Nine Stories (1953) by J.D. Salinger
Nixon and Kissinger: A Revealing Record (1977) by David Frost
No Future Without Forgiveness (1999) by Desmond Tutu
No More Vietnams (1985) by Richard M. Nixon
Nones (1951) by W. H. Auden
North of Boston (1914) by Robert Frost
Northanger Abbey (1817) by Jane Austen
Norway and the Union with Sweden (1905) by Fridtjof Nansen
Notebooks (1956) by Simone Weil
Notes on Democracy (1926) by H. L. Mencken
Notes on the State of Virginia (1785) by Thomas Jefferson
Novum Organum (1620) by Francis Bacon
Ocean: An Ode (1728) by Edward Young
Ode à Charles Fourier (1947) by Andre Breton
Odes (-23) by Horace
Odes of Anacreon (1800) by Thomas Moore
Of Cannibals (1580) by Michel de Montaigne
Of Course I'm for Monogamy: I'm Also for Everlasting Peace and an End to Taxes (1993) by Marilyn vos Savant
Of Laws in General (1802) by Jeremy Bentham
Of the Education of Children (1580) by Michel de Montaigne
Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (1593) by Richard Hooker
Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters (2010) by Barack Obama
Of Woman Born (1976) by Adrienne Rich
Off Center: The Republican Revolution and the Erosion of American Democracy (1998) by Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
Ogilvy on Advertising (1983) by David Ogilvy
Ogilvy on Advertising in the Digital Age (2017) by David Ogilvy
Oil! (1927) by Upton Sinclair
Old Indian Days (1907) by Charles Eastman
Old Man Logan (2008) by Mark Millar
Old Turtle (1992) by Douglas Wood
Old Turtle: Questions of the Heart (2018) by Douglas Wood
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, with Elucidations (1845) by Thomas Carlyle
Oliver Twist (1838) by Charles Dickens
Olivier (1988) by Anthony Holden
Olympian Odes (-500) by Pindar
On Anger (41) by Seneca
On Certainty (1969) by Ludwig Wittgenstein
On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History (1841) by Thomas Carlyle
On Human Nature (1978) by E. O. Wilson
On Liberty (1859) by John Stuart Mill
On Nature (-450) by Anaxagoras
On Nature (-300) by Epicurus
On Nature (-500) by Heraclitus
On Photography (1977) by Susan Sontag
On Practice and Contradiction (1937) by Mao Zedong
On Solitude (1580) by Michel de Montaigne
On the Cherubim (-20) by Philo
On the Creation (-20) by Philo
On the Diseases Incidental to Europeans in Hot Climates (1768) by James Lind
On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (1813) by Arthur Schopenhauer
On the Genealogy of Morals (1887) by Friedrich Nietzsche
On the Laws (-52) by Cicero
On the Migration of Abraham (-20) by Philo
On the Nature of the Gods (-45) by Cicero
On the Orator (-55) by Cicero
On the Origin of Language (1772) by Johann Gottfried von Herder
On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals (1863) by Thomas Huxley